As usual, the annual Summer Barbecue of the Lothians Radio Society was held at the Fairmilehead QTH of Pete and Kay Bates (and known as "Bates Motel" from the famous movie "Psycho".


In  fact, the date of 26th June was one of the longest days of the year and, combined with nice warm, clear weather made it a pleasure to sit out in Pete and Kay's very attractive back garden. This attracted a total of 23 LRS members, friends and family members to enjoy Pete and Kay's cooking.


 John GM8OTI & XYL Marwyn, Kath and Roger Hill, Ed GM4AIS, Iain  GM1MSS & Colin GM4EAU.



Grahame GM4UPB, John GM4JRT, Peter GM4DTH, Malcolm GM3TAL, Mike GM8KCS & Robin GM4YPL. 


Ed GM4AIS, Grant GM0DQZ & XYL Margaret & James GM4WZP. 

Alan GM3PSP, Roger, & John GM8OTI.


 Marwyn XYL John GM8OTI, Kath, XYL Roger, Veronica XYL GM3VLB-SK.


Margaret XYL Grant GM0DQZ & Melvyn GM4HYR.



 Host Pete GM4BYF busy at the grill preparing the burgers and hot-dogs.

These were enhanced by some great salads and vegetables prepared by Kay in the kitchen.

This was the second BBQ of the day, having been preceded by a family one at lunch time!


 Hostess Kay GM6KAY inviting everyone in for the beautiful desserts she had prepared.


 Mike GM8KCS (L) was presented with the LRS D/F Hunt Edinburgh Castle Paperweight Trophy for 2024 by last year's winner, Melvyn GM4HYR.



By happy coincidence this date was also the birthday of Pete GM4BYF. and a suitable birthday cake was ordered in for him.


 Getting ready to blow out the candles.


Well done, Pete, and thanks again to you and Kay for putting on an exceptional LRS Barbecue for 2024.

LRS President Colin GM4HWO was also present, but arrived later due to a family emergency. 
