11 March 2015 – Antenna Modelling – Brian Howie GM4DIJ
Brian Howie GM4DIJ talked about and demonstrated Antenna Modelling Software at the LRS meeting on 11th March 2015. Brian writes: […]
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Brian Howie GM4DIJ talked about and demonstrated Antenna Modelling Software at the LRS meeting on 11th March 2015. Brian writes: […]
The subject of the LRS meeting on 25th February was that mysterious place where we are told we shall be
Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL talked about “Using a Vertical Dipole Array on a Scottish Beach” at the LRS meeting on Feb
Our good friend Geoff Crowley MM5AHO braved snowy roads on January 28th to talk about his Maritime Mobile adventures off
Aspidistra (from The Secret Wireless War) The first LRS meeting of 2015 was the annual Video Night, arranged and
One of the exciting videos now available! A new section has been added to the LRS Archive area of this
Colin GM4HWO, Mike MM0MLB, Peter GM4DTH, Alan GM3PSP Sixteen LRS members and friends attended the LRS Christmas Curry on
At the LRS meeting on 26th November 2014 Nick Henwood G3RWF talked about “From Dipoles to Hexbeams in African Locations”.
Thanks to communications from George GM4COK / DU1GM in the Philippines, we entertained Eddie Valdez DU1EV, Past-President of the Philippines
At the meeting of the LRS on 12th November Mike Burgess MM0MLB presented “The Post Office Tower – the
We are sad to report that Tom Simpson GM3BCD, MBE, secretary of the LRS in 1961-62, became a silent
John GM8OTI and Alan GM3PSP operated GB0BSS in JOTA – Jamboree On The Air – from Bonaly Scout Camp for the third
At the LRS meeting on 29th October Bernie McIntosh GM4WZG talked about how the microcontroller, being a single chip with
Ian White GM3SEK, Graham Murchie G4FSG (RSGB President) & John Cooke GM8OTI The 4th Scottish Microwave Round Table was held
The LRS Autumn 2014 Surplus Equipment Sale was held on 15th October at St Fillan’s Church in Buckstone Drive.