Annual Summaries

Annual lists of Committee members, LRS meetings and events, and LRS members.
Apology – the order of some of the years is currently not chronological and will be corrected asap.

Annual Summaries

1984-85 Summary

COMMITTEE 1984-85 President                               Mel Evans GM6JAG Hon. Sec / Treas                   H.J.L. Jack Smith GM1CQC Committee:                            J. Brian Howie GM4DIJ                                                  Peter

Annual Summaries

2014-15 Summary

LOTHIANS RADIO SOCIETY – 2014-15   COMMITTEE: President                               Andy Sinclair MM0FMF                  Hon. Sec                                Alan Masson GM3PSP                                           Hon Treas                             

Annual Summaries

2013-14 Summary

LOTHIANS RADIO SOCIETY – 2013-14 COMMITTEE: President                   Andy Sinclair MM0FMF Hon. Sec.                   Alan Masson GM3PSP Hon. Treas.                Peter Dick GM4DTH

Annual Summaries

2012-13 Summary

  LOTHIANS RADIO SOCIETY – 2012-13 COMMITTEE: President                   Andy Sinclair  MM0FMF Hon. Sec.                   Alan Masson GM3PSP Hon. Treas.                Peter Dick

Annual Summaries

2011-12 Summary

LOTHIANS RADIO SOCIETY – 2011-12 COMMITTEE: President                   Andy Sinclair MM0FMF Hon. Sec.                   Alan Masson GM3PSP Hon. Treas.                Peter Dick GM4DTH

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