Welcome to the Lothians Radio Society

Scottish Charity number SC045038

  • LRS Messages of the Day

    Wed 16 Oct 2024 – 8pm – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale at St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone Drive. Do not arrive before 7:30pm, to allow hall to be set up. Please bring stuff to sell!

    Sat 2 Nov – MoC AGM & Harry Matthews Memorial Lecture – see RHS.               “Sustainable Spaceport – Paradox or Reality?” – Dr Matjaz Vidmar, Edinburgh University.



  • Wed 16 Oct 2024 – 8pm – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale at St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone Drive, EH10 6PD. Do not arrive before 7:30pm to allow hall to be set up.

    Wed 23 Oct  – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 164

    Wed 30 Oct 2024 – 7:30pm – Autumn Pub Night at Wee Bennet’s Bar, Morningside Station.

    The draft Calendar of LRS Meetings for 2024-25 has been prepared by James GM4WZP (mni tnx) and uploaded to this site (click top).


  • 9 Oct 2023 “Getting started on 23cm EME – the First 200 Contacts” by Dr Paul Dobie GM0PJD

    9 Oct 2023 “Getting started on 23cm EME – the First 200 Contacts” by Dr Paul Dobie GM0PJD

    Paul Dobie GM0PJD from Biggar writes: “With a 480,000 mile round trip,… Read more



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  • 25 July 2024 – Dave 6 – GM6KGZ – Many Items, boxed, new condition:

    1.   Uniden Bearcat BCT15X Mobile / Base Radio Scanner.       Boxed and in mint condition.  ML&s  Price  £280. Only  […]

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  • 13 Apr 2011 – LRS Spring Junk Sale

    13 Apr 2011 – LRS Spring Junk Sale

    The Lothians Spring Junk Sale was held on Wednesday, April 13th at St Fillans Church Hall.   L-R: Norrie GM1CNH auctions […]

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  • 23 Mar 2011 – Operating VP8AQA from Antarctica

    23 Mar 2011 – Operating VP8AQA from Antarctica

    At the LRS meeting on 23rd March 2010 Dave Burke GM6SZJ talked about “Operating VP8AQA from Faraday Base, Antarctica” and showed many slides […]

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  • Japan Earthquake – Emergency HF Frequencies to Avoid

    Lothians RAYNET has advised us of the following: HF frequencies are now known to be in use by Japanese amateurs […]

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  • Congratulations to Vic GM3OWU.

    Congratulations to Vic GM3OWU.

    Congratulations to LRS member Vic Stewart GM3OWU who received his licence exactly 50 years ago and has remained active on […]

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  • Foundation Level Licence Examination at Livingston on 12th April 2011

    The Livingston & District Amateur Radio Society LaDARS will be holding a foundation level licence examination at the Crofthead Farm Community […]

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  • 9 Mar 2011 – Beginner’s Guide to 23cm & 70cm – Ray James GM4CXM

    9 Mar 2011 – Beginner’s Guide to 23cm & 70cm – Ray James GM4CXM

    Ray James GM4CXM from Bearsden presented a very interesting and comprehensive talk,  “A Beginner’s Guide to DXing & Contesting on […]

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  • 23 Feb 2011 – Circuit & System Technologies, by Dr Roger Hill, MBE

    23 Feb 2011 – Circuit & System Technologies, by Dr Roger Hill, MBE

    At the LRS meeting on 23rd February we welcomed back Dr Roger Hill MBE who talked about “Circuit & System Technologies”. Roger has also […]

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  • Items For Sale

    Items For Sale

    Tonna VHF Antennas For Sale. All have been in storage for the last 10 years and are complete. 6m 5 […]

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  • 9 Feb 2011 – RSGB National Amateur Radio Centre by Angus Annan MM1CCR

    9 Feb 2011 – RSGB National Amateur Radio Centre by Angus Annan MM1CCR

    At the LRS meeting  on Wednesday 9th February we were privileged to have a presentation from RSGB Past-President Angus Annan MM1CCR on […]

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  • Congratulations – Michael Flynn, MM6MWF

    Congratulations – Michael Flynn, MM6MWF

    Congratulations to Michael W Flynn, the proud owner of new callsign MM6MWF (his initials) after passing the Foundation Licence training course at […]

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  • 26 Jan 2010 – International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2010 by Geoff Crowley MM5AHO

    26 Jan 2010 – International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2010 by Geoff Crowley MM5AHO

    Geoff Crowley MM5AHO talked about “The International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend 2010” at the LRS meeting on Wednesday 26th January. Also present was Alistair MacLeod MM0HAI, […]

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    HAPPY NEW YEAR   to all Members and Friends of the Lothians Radio Society. We look forward to seeing you at […]

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