Welcome to the Lothians Radio Society

Scottish Charity number SC045038

  • LRS Messages of the Day

    Wed 16 Oct 2024 – 8pm – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale at St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone Drive. Do not arrive before 7:30pm, to allow hall to be set up. Please bring stuff to sell!

    Sat 2 Nov – MoC AGM & Harry Matthews Memorial Lecture – see RHS.               “Sustainable Spaceport – Paradox or Reality?” – Dr Matjaz Vidmar, Edinburgh University.



  • Wed 16 Oct 2024 – 8pm – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale at St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone Drive, EH10 6PD. Do not arrive before 7:30pm to allow hall to be set up.

    Wed 23 Oct  – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 164

    Wed 30 Oct 2024 – 7:30pm – Autumn Pub Night at Wee Bennet’s Bar, Morningside Station.

    The draft Calendar of LRS Meetings for 2024-25 has been prepared by James GM4WZP (mni tnx) and uploaded to this site (click top).


  • 9 Oct 2023 “Getting started on 23cm EME – the First 200 Contacts” by Dr Paul Dobie GM0PJD

    9 Oct 2023 “Getting started on 23cm EME – the First 200 Contacts” by Dr Paul Dobie GM0PJD

    Paul Dobie GM0PJD from Biggar writes: “With a 480,000 mile round trip,… Read more



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  • 25 July 2024 – Dave 6 – GM6KGZ – Many Items, boxed, new condition:

    1.   Uniden Bearcat BCT15X Mobile / Base Radio Scanner.       Boxed and in mint condition.  ML&s  Price  £280. Only  […]

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  • 9th March 2012 Aurora Summary by GM4BYF

    9th March 2012 Aurora Summary by GM4BYF

    The double CME eruption of March 7th produced a complicated magnetic situation. Most likely both CMEs “ate” each other (hence […]

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  • Wed 14th March 2012 – WWII Utility Radios by Colin GM4HWO & Peter GM4DTH

    Wed 14th March 2012 – WWII Utility Radios by Colin GM4HWO & Peter GM4DTH

    Colin GM4HWO & Peter GM4DTH after their presentation. At a most enjoyable meeting of the LRS on 14th March Colin Wright GM4HWO described the […]

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  • 22nd Feb 2012 – Modifying PC PSUs for Radio Use by Brian Flynn GM8BJF

    22nd Feb 2012 – Modifying PC PSUs for Radio Use by Brian Flynn GM8BJF

    GM8BJF measuring voltage on a modified PC PSU At the meeting of the Lothians Radio Society on 22nd February LRS member Dr. Brian Flynn […]

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  • Wed 8th Feb 2012 – Aurora Explained by Dr. David Gavine

    Wed 8th Feb 2012 – Aurora Explained by Dr. David Gavine

    At the meeting of the Lothians Radio Society on Wednesday February 8th Dr. David Gavine talked on “Aurora Explained” – how it is caused by […]

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    (Photo by GM3PSP) A Happy New Year to all our readers! We look forward to welcoming you to the meetings of […]

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  • Wed 11th Jan 2012 – Video Evening – ‘The Spies Who Lost the Battle of Britain’

    Wed 11th Jan 2012 – Video Evening – ‘The Spies Who Lost the Battle of Britain’

    CHL – Chain Home Low radar installation The first meeting of the LRS in 2012 was the Video Evening on […]

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  • Wed 25th Jan 2012 – International Lighthouses Weekend 2011 by Geoff Crowley MM5AHO

    Wed 25th Jan 2012 – International Lighthouses Weekend 2011 by Geoff Crowley MM5AHO

                 Approaching Skerryvore Lighthouse Geoff Crowley MM5AHO described and showed video footage shot by his son Matt MM1EUI of their participation in the International […]

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  • RSGB EGM on 19th November 2011 – All Motions Carried

    RSGB EGM on 19th November 2011 – All Motions Carried

    Photo courtesy RSGB  At the RSGB EGM held on 19th November 2011 at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham NEC, all the […]

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  • Wed 14th December 2011 – LRS Christmas Curry

    Wed 14th December 2011 – LRS Christmas Curry

    Paul GM4UPN & Brian GM8BJF, winners of the annual “Largest Naan” competition in 2011. (Photo by GM3PSP) The annual Lothians Radio […]

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  • Wed 23rd Nov 2011 – Communication Receiver Design by David Stockton GM4ZNX

    Wed 23rd Nov 2011 – Communication Receiver Design by David Stockton GM4ZNX

    (Photo courtesy GM4ZNX) David Stockton GM4ZNX talked about Communication Receiver Design at the LRS meeting on 23rd November 2011. He described the evolution of […]

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  • 5th Nov 2011 – GMRT – Scottish Microwave Round Table

    5th Nov 2011 – GMRT – Scottish Microwave Round Table

    LRS Member Chris GM4YLN with Brian GM8BJF who brought a ton of test equipment to Burntisland to provide rig-testing for GMRT participants. […]

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  • 9th Nov 2011 – GPS – Global Positioning System – by Andy Sinclair MM0FMF

    9th Nov 2011 – GPS – Global Positioning System – by Andy Sinclair MM0FMF

    Graphic courtesy www.gps.gov  LRS Secretary Andy Sinclair MM0FMF gave a comprehensive talk about GPS – Global Positioning System – and its applications […]

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