Welcome to the Lothians Radio Society

Scottish Charity number SC045038

  • LRS Messages of the Day

    Wed 23 Oct  – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – LRS Net 164.

    20 Oct 2024 – Carluke shack clearance – see updated list under Items for Sale below, RHS.

     – Remaining Carluke items will be taken to Galashiels Rally on Sunday 27th Oct.


  • Wed 23 Oct 2024  – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 164.

    Sun 27 Oct 2024 – 11:00 GMT – GMT – Galashiels Rally & Open Day (Click for details). GMT.

    • (Including remaining Carluke clearance items).

    Wed 30 Oct 2024 – 7:30pm – Autumn Pub Night at Wee Bennet’s Bar, Morningside Station.

    Wed 6 Nov 2024 – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 165.

    Sat 9 Nov – Scottish Microwave Round Table GMRT at MoC Burntisland & Dinner at Kingswood Hotel.

    Wed 13 Nov 2024 – WSPR – a tool to study propagation & aerial development – Peter GM4DTH.

    Wed 20 Nov 2024 – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 166.

    Wed 27 Nov 2024 – IET (at BHH) – Tracking the Future – Satellites & Celestic-UK – Dr Carol Marsh

    The full Calendar of LRS Meetings for 2024-25 has been prepared by James GM4WZP (mni tnx) and uploaded to this site (click top).


  • 16 Oct 2024 – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale

    16 Oct 2024 – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale

    The LRS Autumn Surplus Sale at St Fillan’s Church on 16th October… Read more


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Send items to Alan GM3PSP:


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  • 25 July 2024 – Dave 6 – GM6KGZ – Many Items, boxed, new condition:

    1.   Uniden Bearcat BCT15X Mobile / Base Radio Scanner.       Boxed and in mint condition.  ML&s  Price  £280. Only  […]

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  • 3 Apr 2024 – Wee Bennets Spring Pub Night

    3 Apr 2024 – Wee Bennets Spring Pub Night

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  • 27 March 2024 – “GB3EDN 1296MHz Beacon – History & Current Developments” by Brian Flynn GM8BJF

    27 March 2024 – “GB3EDN 1296MHz Beacon – History & Current Developments” by Brian Flynn GM8BJF

    Dr Brian Flynn GM8BJF described the long history of the 1296MHz (23cm) beacon GB3EDN in Edinburgh and its various upgrades […]

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  • 13 Mar 2024 – Running HF Stns Off-Grid – Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL

    13 Mar 2024 – Running HF Stns Off-Grid – Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL

      Malcolm GM3TAL talked about running HF stations when grid / mains electricity is not available. He has been taking part in […]

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  • 4 March 2024 – LRS in RSGB Tonight@8

    4 March 2024 – LRS in RSGB Tonight@8

    VHF NFD Challenges & Fun Seen Through the Eyes of the Lothians Radio Society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLKVGWU3-r4 Andy Sinclair MM0FMF (LRS host) […]

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  • 28 Feb 2024 – “47 Years and Counting – Story of Voyagers 1 & 2” – John Cooke GM8OTI & James Gentles GM4WZP

    28 Feb 2024 – “47 Years and Counting – Story of Voyagers 1 & 2” – John Cooke GM8OTI & James Gentles GM4WZP

    John Cooke GM8OTI & James Gentles GM4WZP talked about the two NASA deep space probes, Voyagers 1 & 2, which are still […]

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  • 14 Feb 2024 – “Understanding Baluns” – Brian Flynn GM8BJF

    14 Feb 2024 – “Understanding Baluns” – Brian Flynn GM8BJF

    Dr. Brian Flynn GM8BJF Brian described the concept of balanced-to-unbalanced transformers (“baluns”) and showed a number of examples. Click for […]

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  • 24 Jan 2024 – “SOTA & QRP Labs QCX Mini HF Tcvr” – Andy Sinclair MM0FMF

    24 Jan 2024 – “SOTA & QRP Labs QCX Mini HF Tcvr” – Andy Sinclair MM0FMF

    Andy talked about the QCX Mini tcvr from QRP Labs, its design & construction & use for SOTA operation (Summits On […]

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  • 10 Jan 2024 – LRS Video Night -“The Boat that Rocked”.

    10 Jan 2024 – LRS Video Night -“The Boat that Rocked”.

    Wed 10 Jan 2024 – LRS Video Night ‘The Boat That Rocked’ was set in the 1960s offshore broadcasting era.  […]

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  • 13 Dec 2023 – Xmas Curry

    13 Dec 2023 – Xmas Curry

           Good turnout of 15 for the 2023 LRS Xmas Curry at the Gurkha Cafe in Cockburn St. […]

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  • 6 Dec 2023 LRS Members at IET Lecture

    6 Dec 2023 LRS Members at IET Lecture

    Thanks to Colin Murray’s inspiration, several members of the LRS enjoyed attending an Institution of Engineering & Technology event at […]

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  • 22 Nov 2023 – Borders Amateurs & Bletchley Park Bruce McCartney GM4BDJ & John Struthers GM8CVN

    22 Nov 2023 – Borders Amateurs & Bletchley Park Bruce McCartney GM4BDJ & John Struthers GM8CVN

    There was an excellent turnout of 21 for this very interesting talk by Bruce McCartney GM4BDJ via Zoom from Langholm, […]

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  • 11 Nov 2023 – GMRT-2023 Scottish Microwave Round Table

    11 Nov 2023 – GMRT-2023 Scottish Microwave Round Table

    A very successful GMRT was held at the Museum of Communication in Burntisland  with an attendance of 46, followed by […]

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