Welcome to the Lothians Radio Society

Scottish Charity number SC045038

  • LRS Messages of the Day

    Wed 16 Oct 2024 – 8pm – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale at St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone Drive. Do not arrive before 7:30pm, to allow hall to be set up. Please bring stuff to sell!

    Sat 2 Nov – MoC AGM & Harry Matthews Memorial Lecture – see RHS.               “Sustainable Spaceport – Paradox or Reality?” – Dr Matjaz Vidmar, Edinburgh University.



  • Wed 16 Oct 2024 – 8pm – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale at St Fillan’s Church, Buckstone Drive, EH10 6PD. Do not arrive before 7:30pm to allow hall to be set up.

    Wed 23 Oct  – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 164

    Wed 30 Oct 2024 – 7:30pm – Autumn Pub Night at Wee Bennet’s Bar, Morningside Station.

    The draft Calendar of LRS Meetings for 2024-25 has been prepared by James GM4WZP (mni tnx) and uploaded to this site (click top).


  • 9 Oct 2023 “Getting started on 23cm EME – the First 200 Contacts” by Dr Paul Dobie GM0PJD

    9 Oct 2023 “Getting started on 23cm EME – the First 200 Contacts” by Dr Paul Dobie GM0PJD

    Paul Dobie GM0PJD from Biggar writes: “With a 480,000 mile round trip,… Read more



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  • 25 July 2024 – Dave 6 – GM6KGZ – Many Items, boxed, new condition:

    1.   Uniden Bearcat BCT15X Mobile / Base Radio Scanner.       Boxed and in mint condition.  ML&s  Price  £280. Only  […]

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  • 4 Aug 2017 – RSGB VHF NFD – GM3HAM/P Wins 6m & 4m – Leading GM Restricted Section

    4 Aug 2017 – RSGB VHF NFD – GM3HAM/P Wins 6m & 4m – Leading GM Restricted Section

    The GM3HAM/P Contest Group of the Lothians Radio Society had another excellent result in RSGB VHF NFD in 2017. Operating […]

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  • GM3WUX 4 metre Quad Demo

    GM3WUX 4 metre Quad Demo

      We have just learned of two YouTube videos of our good friend Terry GM3WUX demonstrating his 6-element 4 metre […]

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  • Wed 23 Aug – LRS Pub Night 4

    Wed 23 Aug – LRS Pub Night 4

          There were nine LRS members at PN4 on 23rd August including Alan GM3PSP who took this photo. During the […]

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  • 1-2 July 2017 – GM3HAM/P – VHF NFD – Gatehouse of Fleet

    1-2 July 2017 – GM3HAM/P – VHF NFD – Gatehouse of Fleet

    VHF NFD 2017 at Gatehouse of Fleet was another success for the LRS with good wx most of the time […]

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  • 28 June 2017 – LRS Summer Barbecue at QTH-GM4BYF

    28 June 2017 – LRS Summer Barbecue at QTH-GM4BYF

    The annual LRS Summer barbecue was held on Wednesday 28th June 2017 at the QTH of Pete GM4BYF and Kay […]

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  • 14 June 2017 – LRS Annual General Meeting

    14 June 2017 – LRS Annual General Meeting

    Congratulations to Dr Brian Flynn GM8BJF who was elected President of the Lothians Radio Society for 2017-18 at the Annual […]

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  • 24 May 2017 – D/F Hunt – Peter Dick GM4DTH

    24 May 2017 – D/F Hunt – Peter Dick GM4DTH

    L-R: Alasdair GM6ZQQ, Melvyn GM4HYR (winner), Mike Jr MM3MDB, Mike Sr GM8KCS The annual LRS Direction-Finding Contest (D/F Hunt) took […]

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  • 7 May 2017 LRS Members at Ham Radio Convention 2017

    7 May 2017 LRS Members at Ham Radio Convention 2017

    L-R: Brian GM8BJF, Chris GM3WOJ, Briain GM8PKL, Robin GM4YPL A number of LRS members attended the ASRA Ham Radio Convention […]

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  • 10 May 2017 – Radio in WW-I – Malcolm Fergusson

    10 May 2017 – Radio in WW-I – Malcolm Fergusson

    Malcolm Fergusson, formerly of Edinburgh University Physics Department, talked about Radio in WW-I at the meeting on 10th May 2017. His talk was about […]

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  • 24 April 2017 – Malcolm GM3TAL – Our Man in Havana

    24 April 2017 – Malcolm GM3TAL – Our Man in Havana

    L-R: Hector; Amed CO2AME; Malcolm GM3TAL; Moises CM2YV On the last day of his recent trip to Cuba, Malcolm was […]

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  • 26 April 2017 – Enigma – the Unsung Heroes – Pete Bates GM4BYF

    26 April 2017 – Enigma – the Unsung Heroes – Pete Bates GM4BYF

    At the LRS meeting on 26th April 2017 Pete Bates GM4BYF gave a very well researched talk on ‘Enigma – the Unsung Heroes’. He outlined […]

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  • 9 April 2017 – LRS Receives RSGB VHF-NFD Trophies at Norbreck Rally in Blackpool

    9 April 2017 – LRS Receives RSGB VHF-NFD Trophies at Norbreck Rally in Blackpool

    Len Paget GM0ONX, RSGB Director; Colin GM4HWO, Andy MM0FMF, Mike GM4IGS, Pete GM4BYF, Danny GM6CMQ, Brian GM8BJF, Norrie GM1CNH, Peter […]

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