Welcome to the Lothians Radio Society

Scottish Charity number SC045038

  • LRS Messages of the Day

    Wed 11 Sept – President’s Address – draft report now available – see Recent Meetings below, or Recent Posts – RHS.

    Wed 18 Sept – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – LRS Net 162.

    Wed 25 Sept 2024 – RSVP Colin GM4HWO for MoC Visit & Bar Meal at Sands Hotel:

       –  secretary@lothiansradiosociety.com


  • Wed 18 Sept – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 162

    Wed 25 Sept 2024 – 7:30pm – Annual Visit to Museum of Communication ‘It’s about Time’

              – 5:00pm – Bar meal at Sands Hotel.

    • RSVP to secretary@lothiansradiosociety.com

    Wed 2 Oct 2024 – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 163

    Wed 9 Oct 2024 – 8pm “23cm EME, the first 200 QSOs” Peter Dobie GM0PJD.

    Wed 16 Oct 2024 – 8pm – Autumn Surplus Equipment Sale at St Fillans Church, Buckstone.

    Wed 23 Oct  – 8pm – 144.350 MHz SSB – Net 164

    Wed 30 Oct 2024 – 7:30pm – Autumn Pub Night at Wee Bennet’s Bar, Morningside Station.

    The draft Calendar of LRS Meetings for 2024-25 has been prepared by James GM4WZP (mni tnx) and uploaded to this site (click top).


  • 11 Sept 2024 – President’s Address – Andy Sinclair MM0FMF

    11 Sept 2024 – President’s Address – Andy Sinclair MM0FMF

    After serving two years as LRS Hon Secretary, Andy Sinclair MM0FMF gave… Read more


    5-6 Oct > Oct 432MHz to 245GHz Contest

No results in OTHER NEWS category.

test card


Click on image or “read more” to open full article.

Send items to Alan GM3PSP:


Items usually archived as News or Silent Keys in LRS Archive after 1 month.

  • 10th Sept 2024: Peter Dick GM4DTH: 70th Birthday Curry at Kahani’s.

    10th Sept 2024: Peter Dick GM4DTH: 70th Birthday Curry at Kahani’s.

    Happy 70th birthday to Peter Dick GM4DTH. Peter has been LRS Hon. Treasurer & RSGB GB2RS Newsreader for many years, […]

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    Spaceweather.com reports: In August 2024, the average monthly sunspot number exceeded 200 for the first time in 23 years, almost […]

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There are no current silent key notifications. Click on the heading to see the silent key archive.

  • 10 Sept 2024 – For Sale – 2 Faulty Transceivers from the Carluke clearance sale (via eBay).

    For sale via GM4HWO (“Basil”). Click on eBay links for details.   Faulty Trio TS-900 HF Transceiver – £38 +p&p […]

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  • 8 Sept 2024 – Dave-6 – GM6KGZ – 4 Items

    Tiny SA Ultra Spectrum Analyzer – £75. Avantree Oasis Plus Bluetooth Transmitter/Receiver – £25 Key-Press Attenuator – £25 Anderson Pole […]

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  • 12 Aug 2024 – Dave-6 – GM6KGZ – Kenwood TH-F7E Dual-Band H/Held with SSB-Rx

    Kenwood TH-F7E with accessories – £120 – for sale by Dave 6. Click for details. Dual Band Handheld with SSB-Rx […]

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  • 25 July 2024 – Dave 6 – GM6KGZ – Many Items, boxed, new condition:

    1.   Uniden Bearcat BCT15X Mobile / Base Radio Scanner.       Boxed and in mint condition.  ML&s  Price  £280. Only  […]

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  • 24 May 2023 – D/F Hunt

    24 May 2023 – D/F Hunt

    Fox location Torduff Hill nr Bonaly Four teams took part in the 2023 D/F Hunt, starting at “The Tardis” on […]

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  • 10 May 2023 – SOTA Old & New by the Two Andys – MM0FMF & MM7MOX

    10 May 2023 – SOTA Old & New by the Two Andys – MM0FMF & MM7MOX

    10 May 2023 –  “SOTA Old & New” by the Two Andys – MM0FMF & MM7MOX  Andy MM7MOX & Andy […]

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  • 26 Apr 2023 – Geoff Crowley MM5AHO – Radio from far-flung places.

    26 Apr 2023 – Geoff Crowley MM5AHO – Radio from far-flung places.

    26 Apr 2023 – Geoff Crowley MM5AHO, who has given many LRS talks in the past on his /MM activities (CLICK), returned to […]

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  • 22 Apr 2023 – LRS at Norbreck Rally, Blackpool

    22 Apr 2023 – LRS at Norbreck Rally, Blackpool

    22 Apr 2023 – LRS at Norbreck Rally, Blackpool. Click for photos – tnx Colin.  Curry night before the rally. “Mr […]

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  • 12 Apr 2023 – LRS Spring Surplus Equipment Sale

    12 Apr 2023 – LRS Spring Surplus Equipment Sale

    12 April 2023 – Spring Surplus Eqpt Sale & Raffle St Fillan’s Church.  Click for report with photos. Great turn-out of 40. The […]

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  • 22 March 2023 – Brian Flynn GM8BJF – “Nano-VNAs 2 – OPeration & Practice.-

    22 March 2023 – Brian Flynn GM8BJF – “Nano-VNAs 2 – OPeration & Practice.-

    22 March 2023: Brian Flynn GM8BJF – “NanoVNAs – Part 2: Operation and Practice”  There was an attendance of 22 […]

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  • 22 March 2023 – Brian Flynn GM8BJF – “Nano-VNAs 2 – OPeration & Practice.-

    22 March 2023 – Brian Flynn GM8BJF – “Nano-VNAs 2 – OPeration & Practice.-

    22 March 2023: Brian Flynn GM8BJF – “NanoVNAs – Part 2: Operation and Practice”  There was an attendance of 22 […]

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  • 8 March 2023 – Brian Flynn GM8BJF – Nano-VNAs (1) In Theory

    8 March 2023 – Brian Flynn GM8BJF – Nano-VNAs (1) In Theory

     8 Mar 2023 – Brian Flynn GM8BJF – Nano-VNAs (1) – in Theory.    In Part 1 – “In Theory” Brian […]

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  • 22 Feb 2023 – André Saunders GM3VLB Awards 2022

    22 Feb 2023 – André Saunders GM3VLB Awards 2022

    22 Feb 2023 – André Saunders GM3VLB SOTA Scottish Islands Awards 2022. The award has run for its first year and […]

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  • 22 Feb 2023 – Peter Dick GM4DTH – “Receiving MF D/F Beacons”

    22 Feb 2023 – Peter Dick GM4DTH – “Receiving MF D/F Beacons”

    22 Feb 2023 – Receiving MF D/F Beacons – Peter Dick GM4DTH   Peter Dick GM4DTH At the LRS meeting […]

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  • 8 Feb 2023 – Dr Roger Hill – “Plasmas – their Generation & Application”

    8 Feb 2023 – Dr Roger Hill – “Plasmas – their Generation & Application”

     Dr Roger Hill. Plasmas – their generation & application – Mercury arc, Neon lamp, Radio wave propagation, Laser design and manufacture. […]

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  • 25 Jan 2023 – Peter Scott – “Pre-War Television”

    25 Jan 2023 – Peter Scott – “Pre-War Television”

    25 Jan – Pre-War TV – Peter Scott Peter gave a most interesting talk about the pre-war days of television […]

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