Welcome to the Lothians Radio Society

Scottish Charity number SC045038

  • LRS Messages of the Day

    Tues 17 Sept – 7:30pm – MoC Goudie lecture:

      –  “How 5 became 6” (re D-Day) by Ron Campbell.

      – Must book in advance, £5 for in-person or Zoom.

      – See RHS – lower.

    Wed 18 Sept – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – LRS Net 162.

    Wed 25 Sept 2024 – RSVP Colin GM4HWO for MoC Visit & Bar Meal at Sands Hotel:

       –  secretary@lothiansradiosociety.com



  • Wed 18 Sept – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 162

    Wed 25 Sept 2024 – 7:30pm – Annual Visit to Museum of Communication ‘It’s about Time’

              – 5:00pm – Bar meal at Sands Hotel.

    • RSVP to secretary@lothiansradiosociety.com

    Wed 2 Oct 2024 – 8pm – 144.350MHz SSB – Net 163

    Wed 9 Oct 2024 – 8pm “23cm EME, the first 200 QSOs” Peter Dobie GM0PJD.

    Wed 16 Oct 2024 – 8pm – Autumn Surplus Equipment Sale at St Fillans Church, Buckstone.

    Wed 23 Oct  – 8pm – 144.350 MHz SSB – Net 164

    Wed 30 Oct 2024 – 7:30pm – Autumn Pub Night at Wee Bennet’s Bar, Morningside Station.

    The draft Calendar of LRS Meetings for 2024-25 has been prepared by James GM4WZP (mni tnx) and uploaded to this site (click top).


  • 3 Sept 2024 – IET Lecture – History of Hewlett-Packard at South Queensferry 1966-2010

    3 Sept 2024 – IET Lecture – History of Hewlett-Packard at South Queensferry 1966-2010

    This was an IET lecture held at Napier University at Craiglockhart. The… Read more


    MoC Exhibition 2024 – It’s About Time. Museum of Communication, Burntisland. 11am – 4pm, Weds & Sats till 28 Sept 2024.

       LRS visit on Wed 25 Sept at 7:30pm.             5:00pm – Bar meal at Sands Hotel.

    Sun 27 Oct 2024 – Galashiels Rally – click.

    Sat 9 Nov 2024 – GMRT 2024

    Scottish Microwave Round Table at MoC and Dinner at Kingswood Hotel, Burntisland. Click
    GMRT Lecture program now available – click.
    Please make your bookings for GMRT & Dinner.


    5-6 Oct > Oct 432MHz to 245GHz Contest


test card


Click on image or “read more” to open full article.

Send items to Alan GM3PSP:


Items usually archived as News or Silent Keys in LRS Archive after 1 month.

  • 10th Sept 2024: Peter Dick GM4DTH: 70th Birthday Curry at Kahani’s.

    10th Sept 2024: Peter Dick GM4DTH: 70th Birthday Curry at Kahani’s.

    Happy 70th birthday to Peter Dick GM4DTH. Peter has been LRS Hon. Treasurer & RSGB GB2RS Newsreader for many years, […]

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    Spaceweather.com reports: In August 2024, the average monthly sunspot number exceeded 200 for the first time in 23 years, almost […]

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  • Malcolm GM3TAL took part in Kiltwalk again on Sunday 15 Sept 2024

    Malcolm GM3TAL took part in Kiltwalk again on Sunday 15 Sept 2024

    Malcolm GM3TAL walked Kiltwalk for Prostate Scotland charity again yesterday Sunday 15 September 2024 – click.  Click for last year’s […]

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  • Tues 17 Sept 2024 19:30h – MoC Goudie Lecture – ‘How 5 became 6’

    Tues 17 Sept 2024 19:30h – MoC Goudie Lecture – ‘How 5 became 6’

    (Right-click on image to magnify it). Attendance must be booked in advance. Cost is £5 per person whether in person or […]

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There are no current silent key notifications. Click on the heading to see the silent key archive.

  • 10 Sept 2024 – For Sale – 2 Faulty Transceivers from the Carluke clearance sale (via eBay).

    For sale via GM4HWO (“Basil”). Click on eBay links for details.   Faulty Trio TS-900 HF Transceiver – £38 +p&p […]

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  • 8 Sept 2024 – Dave-6 – GM6KGZ – 4 Items

    Tiny SA Ultra Spectrum Analyzer – £75. Avantree Oasis Plus Bluetooth Transmitter/Receiver – £25 Key-Press Attenuator – £25 Anderson Pole […]

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  • 12 Aug 2024 – Dave-6 – GM6KGZ – Kenwood TH-F7E Dual-Band H/Held with SSB-Rx

    Kenwood TH-F7E with accessories – £120 – for sale by Dave 6. Click for details. Dual Band Handheld with SSB-Rx […]

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  • 25 July 2024 – Dave 6 – GM6KGZ – Many Items, boxed, new condition:

    1.   Uniden Bearcat BCT15X Mobile / Base Radio Scanner.       Boxed and in mint condition.  ML&s  Price  £280. Only  […]

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  • 13 Dec 2023 – Xmas Curry

    13 Dec 2023 – Xmas Curry

           Good turnout of 15 for the 2023 LRS Xmas Curry at the Gurkha Cafe in Cockburn St. […]

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  • 6 Dec 2023 LRS Members at IET Lecture

    6 Dec 2023 LRS Members at IET Lecture

    Thanks to Colin Murray’s inspiration, several members of the LRS enjoyed attending an Institution of Engineering & Technology event at […]

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  • 22 Nov 2023 – Borders Amateurs & Bletchley Park Bruce McCartney GM4BDJ & John Struthers GM8CVN

    22 Nov 2023 – Borders Amateurs & Bletchley Park Bruce McCartney GM4BDJ & John Struthers GM8CVN

    There was an excellent turnout of 21 for this very interesting talk by Bruce McCartney GM4BDJ via Zoom from Langholm, […]

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  • 11 Nov 2023 – GMRT-2023 Scottish Microwave Round Table

    11 Nov 2023 – GMRT-2023 Scottish Microwave Round Table

    A very successful GMRT was held at the Museum of Communication in Burntisland  with an attendance of 46, followed by […]

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  • 8 Nov 2023 – Sophie the Strutter – Gerard Lohan

    8 Nov 2023 – Sophie the Strutter – Gerard Lohan

    Gerard Lohan Following an LRS talk 2 years ago (click) by Bob Thompson of the APSS (Aircraft Preservation Society Scotland), Gerard […]

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  • Winter / Spring LRS Pub Nights

    Winter / Spring LRS Pub Nights

    The committee has decided that, in addition to the Summer Pub-Nights, we shall also hold them during the winter and […]

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  • 18 Oct 2023 – LRS Autumn Surplus Equipment Sale

    18 Oct 2023 – LRS Autumn Surplus Equipment Sale

    The LRS Autumn Surplus Equipment Sale 2023 was held as usual at St Fillans Church in Buckstone. The items for […]

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  • 22 Oct 2023 LRS Members at Galashiels Rally

    22 Oct 2023 LRS Members at Galashiels Rally

    A number of LRS members attended the Gala Rally. This is Pete GM4BYF’s table. Tnx Colin HWO for photo. Click […]

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  • 11 Oct 2023 – The First Restricted Service Broadcast Licence – Peter Laverock GM8GHQ.

    11 Oct 2023 – The First Restricted Service Broadcast Licence – Peter Laverock GM8GHQ.

    Peter Laverock GM8GHQ talked about the UK Government’s Restricted Service Broadcast Licences. In 1983/4 he was instrumental in setting up […]

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  • 2-8 Oct 2023 – Terry Robinson GM3WUX “73-Cubed” Fundraiser for Cancer Research.

    2-8 Oct 2023 – Terry Robinson GM3WUX “73-Cubed” Fundraiser for Cancer Research.

    2-8 Oct 2023 – Terry Robinson GM3WUX “73-Cubed” Fund-Raiser for Cancer Research.  (Photo from fund-raising page). Our good friend Terry Robinson […]

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  • 20 Sept 2023 – Visit to MoC, and BBC talk by James Gentles GM4WZP

    20 Sept 2023 – Visit to MoC, and BBC talk by James Gentles GM4WZP

    20 Sept 2023 – LRS Annual Visit to the Museum of Communication and talk by James Gentles GM4WZP on his […]

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  • 17 Sept 2023 – Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL Kiltwalk Fundraiser for Prostate Scotland

    Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL took part in the Edinburgh Kiltwalk on Sunday, 17 Sept 2023 (with handheld).   “Its the first […]

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