27 May 2015 – D/F Hunt with fox Peter Dick GM4DTH.

(Photos by GM4DTH & GM3PSP)

The annual LRS Direction-Finding Contest (D/F Hunt) was held on 27th May 2015 with a new start point on Braid Hills Road, next to the entrance to the Braids Golf Course to avoid the high level of noise experienced last year outside the Braid Hills Hotel. Peter GM4DTH was the fox station on 1.875MHz using the callsign GM3HAM/P.

There were seven stations taking part: Malcolm GM3TAL, Bernie GM4WZG, John GM8OTI (with Alan GM3PSP), Melvyn GM4HYR, Mike GM8KCS, Jack GM1CQC and Brian GM4DIJ. 

Peter was hiding, well concealed,  in woods near the Stable Bar at Mortonhall (pure coincidence, of course) and was found by three participants: 

Time        Callsign

1h 27m    GM4HYR

1h 42m    GM8KCS

2h 01m    GM4DIJ 

After the event we adjourned to … the Stable Bar … for light refreshments.


The new start point, avoiding the high noise level experienced last year outside the Braid Hills Hotel,

was this mysterious blue Tardis on Braid Hills Road.


John GM8OTI and Bernie GM4WZG (1st-timer on a D/F hunt).


Malcolm GM3TAL helping Bernie GM4WZG with a little technical problem.


John GM8OTI with his very simple D/F set, consisting of an FT817 transceiver

plus a ferrite rod aerial and tuning capacitor. It worked just fine – until the rain started!


Brian GM4DIJ




 Fox Peter’s portable station for Top Band.



View to the east from the Fox station. On the horizon can be seen (L-R) the Bass Rock,

North Berwick Law and Cockenzie power station (with its two chimneys).


View to the South from the Fox station with the Lammermuir Hills in the distance.


The local terrain next to the Fox station.


 Relaxing in the Stable Bar at Mortonhall after the D/F hunt:

Mike GM8KCS, Melvyn GM4HYR, Malcolm GM3TAL, Peter GM4DTH (Fox), John GM8OTI, Alan GM3PSP & Bernie GM4WZG.


Later, at the LRS Summer Barbecue on 24th June, Peter  “The Fox” GM4DTH presented the LRS D/F Trophy (donated by the estate of GM0OYV-SK) to the 2015 winner, Melvyn GM4HYR. (See separate BBQ report). 

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