20 Jan 2022 – New GM3VLB SOTA Islands Award – LRS

André GM3VLB/P on the Flannan Isles 1999.

André Saunders GM3VLB (SK) was active in many countries as GM3VLB, G3VLB, 5Z4KL (5Z5KL) from the 1960s onwards. In later years he became very keen on IOTA (Islands On The Air), activating Scottish Islands. André passed away in 2019 just before his 81st birthday. He left a legacy to support and encourage radio operation on Scottish islands, which is administered by the Lothians Radio Society. The LRS spent time coming up with a proposal that met the legal requirements of the legacy and André’s desires.

The GM3VLB SOTA Islands Award will be awarded to the two top stations activating SOTA summits on Scottish islands. The prizes each year will be an engraved quaich (traditional Scottish wine cup) for the two winners each to keep. Click on GM3VLB SOTA Islands Award for the full rules. The first award period commenced on 1 January 2022. 

Click for GM3VLB Silent Key article.


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