15 Oct 2014 – Surplus Equipment Sale

The LRS Autumn 2014 Surplus Equipment Sale was held as usual at St Fillans Church with a turnout of 30 members of the LRS and several other local clubs. Plenty of jun… Surplus Equipment … was available and the event ended with a bottle raffle run by LRS Treasurer Peter Dick GM4DTH.


Glen GM3HNE, Peter GM4DTH and  Malcolm GM3TAL examine some of the items for sale.





John GM8OTI 


Brian GM8BJF


“Orkney Bob” GM4CMI


Briain GM8PKL


Glen GM3HNE, Ian GM3VEI, David GM6KGZ & Bill GM0CII


Melvyn GM4HYR & Jack GM1CQC


Treasurer Peter GM4DTH can’t wait for the raffle to start.


… and the first winner is …


Vic JA5VQ / MM0JVQ was among the many winners.


As was David GM4ZNX

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