7 Apr 2018 – Silent Key – John Tuke GM3BST

John Tuke GM3BST died on 7th April 2018 at the age of 97 in the Royal Victoria Hospital (Western) in Edinburgh. He had lived in a care home in Loanhead, Midlothian for a number of years. He had still been active on CW on the HF bands running QRP with a Kenwood TS-590 to a frame aerial in his window, but troubled by QRN from recently-installed LED lighting! In his earlier years, as G3BST, he was well-known on RTTY in the ‘mechanical’ days and active in BARTG. Friend of the late Harry Matthews, who founded the Museum of Communication.

John’s funeral on 18th April 2018 at Mortonhall Crematorium was attended by Alan GM3PSP and Peter GM0PXV.

A very interesting 3-page feature article about John, titled “Last Man of Spark”, by Giles Read G1MFG is in the May 2018 issue of RadCom, pp. 46-48.

(Photo above by Alan GM3PSP in January 2017).

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