28 June 2017 – LRS Summer Barbecue


L-R: Dr Roger Hill, Mike MM0MLB, Peter GM4DTH, Kath Hill, Bill GM0SQM, Liz Thompson, Brian GM8BJF,     Kay GM6KAY, Pete GM4BYF, Robin GM4YPL, Ian GM8LYQ. 

The annual LRS Summer barbecue was be held on Wednesday 28th June 2017 at the QTH of Pete GM4BYF and Kay Bates GM6KAY at Fairmilehead. Wonderful food was provided (as always) and participants brought their own liquid refreshments. In view of the rather cold wx outside, the BBQ was held in the sunroom and kitchen.


Chef Pete GM4BYF braved the rather cool wx outside to produce hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken wings to go with the rolls and salads provided in the kitchen.  And then there were the amazing desserts!


Ian GM8LYQ with Mike MM0MLB.


 Alan GM3PSP, Malcolm GM3TAL & Peter GM4DTH.


 John GM4XZN with Kath Hill. 


 Ian GM8LYQ, Brian GM8BJF & Pete GM4BYF.


John GM4XZN, Kath Hill, Bill GM8SQM & Mike MM0MLB.


Many thanks to Pete and Kay for another very enjoyable LRS Summer Barbecue!


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