8 Jan 2017 – Silent Key – Vic Imamura JA5VQ / MM0JVQ

It is with great sadness that we record the passing of LRS member Vic Imamura JA5VQ / MM0JVQ at the age of 74 on 8th January 2017 in Japan. Vic and XYL Keiko JG5JUS came to Edinburgh for some months every summer for a number of years, living in a flat in Morningside and attending LRS meetings and the annual barbecue. Vic was an outstanding DXer with a magnificent station / antenna farm. He gave a lecture on Amateur Radio in Japan on 12th September 2012. Click for report.

 Vic and Keiko at an LRS BBQ.


 Vic at his DX station back in JA.


Click for full Silent Key.


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