Report – GM8OTI on 50 MHz UKAC

LRS Chairman John GM8OTI had a go at the RSGB 50 MHz UK Activity Contest on Tuesday evening, 22nd March. He says that his home QTH is not good (in south Edinburgh, RF noise all around, and the Pentland Hills to the south) but he got his 3-element homebrew yagi up at 12m on a Spiderbeam pole. His station is a Yaesu FT-817 with a homebrew 50W linear, all running on batteries (normally he operates /P).



Not much luck though – three contacts north of the border (best DX was GM4JTJ at 89km, but that was not difficult), and a non-completed QSO with GM4JR in the south of Scotland. One G station was heard (just) working GM4JTJ but could not be raised. The log has been submitted anyway – it gets a few points for the club! John will be out operating /P over the summer from hilltops where he hopes to do better!

Tnx to John GM8OTI for this report.

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