Next Meeting – Wed 25 May 2011 – D/F Hunt

The next meeting of the Lothians Radio Society will be the annual Direction Finding Competition (D/F Hunt) on Wednesday 25th May starting from the Braid Hills Hotel at 7:20 pm (and not 8:00 pm as previously indicated). As usual, Peter Dick GM4DTH will organize this event and will be the “fox” station. Contestants will require D/F receivers tuned to 1.875 MHz in Top Band.

The following are the full instructions:

The annual Lothians DF hunt takes place on Wednesday 25th May 2011. Start time is 7.30pm. Members wishing to take part are advised to be outside the Braid Hills Hotel no later than 7.20pm. There is always room for those not equipped with sets to join up with members who are so equipped. The “Fox” will be located somewhere within the City boundary and participants should be equipped with a map and the necessary equipment to draw out bearings. The fox will transmit for 5 minutes on – 5 minutes off periods commencing promptly at 7.30 pm. Frequency will be 1.875 MHz with an amplitude modulated tone being broadcast and voice identification at the start and end of each period of transmitting. Operation will cease at about 9.30pm and an informal gathering will occur at a pub close to the fox’s location. Participants are advised to be equipped with a mobile phone and to register their number so that in the event of them not locating the fox, they can be contacted.

Procedure for obtaining clues:

The procedure for obtaining clues to help finding the fox are as follows. If a clue is needed the hunter needs to text the fox requesting the clue. The fox will reply with the clue. There are three levels of clues each carrying a twenty minute time penalty. If the hunter can not find the fox or hear the transmitted messages a final text request will give the fox location and the meeting location after the hunt. This is an electronic version of the earlier sealed envelope system. Mike GM8KCS issues the fox contact number at the start and notes how many hunters there are.

LRS member Melvyn GM4HYR taking a bearing on the “fox” station in the 2010 D/F Hunt.

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