We are sad to report that Tom Simpson GM3BCD, MBE, secretary of the LRS in 1961-62, became a silent key on 25th October 2014. Tom was a Technical Subjects teacher at George Watson’s College and along with John Hughes GM3LCP-SK, ran the school Radio Club in the 1950s-70s. A talented equipment constructor, he built a 150W AM transmitter, erected a 10m/15m cubical quad on the roof of the school and worked the DX at lunchtimes, to the entertainment of the members. Tom and John enabled more than 30 pupils, including your scribe, to gain their licences. Tom was awarded an MBE for 40 years voluntary service to Talking Books for the Blind.
Tom was buried privately on Monday 3rd November 2014 in Morningside Cemetery.
Click for Full Silent Key.