22 April 2015 – DXpeditions to Tonga & Micronesia – Chris Tran GM3WOJ


Keith Kerr GM4YXI/GM5X & Chris Tran GM3WOJ/GM2V in Chuuk, Micronesia, April 2015

(It’s tough, but somebody’s got to do it)!

Well-known Scottish DXer Chris Tran GM3WOJ talked about his DXpeditions to Tonga in 2014 and Micronesia in 2015 (just back!) at the meeting of the LRS on 22nd April 2015. 

In April 2014, Chris Tran GM3WOJ/GM2V travelled to Tonga with Keith Kerr GM4YXI/GM5X to activate A35V and A35X respectively. They made 30000 QSOs in a 2-week period.

In April 2015, Chris and Keith travelled to Chuuk in Micronesia to activate V6Z, making 22600 QSOs in 10 days. They encountered extreme weather in the form of Typhoon Maysak which destroyed some of their antennas, followed by a Tsunami warning. 

Full report.

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