13 Jan 2016 – Video Night at ECVS – The Use of Bombing in WWII

Thirteen brave souls defied the wet, sleety Wx  to get to the  first LRS meeting of 2016, the annual Video Night, arranged and presented by Peter Dick GM4DTH on 13th January 2016 at the Edinburgh Cine & Video Society in Fettes Row.

The theme for the evening was “The Use of Bombing in WWII”.

1. The supporting film was an episode from BBC “The Secret War” – “The Battle of the Beams” (50m, 1976). In it, Dr. R.V. Jones described how the German Knickebein beams were prevented from guiding bombers to their targets in the UK.  

Rare interview with ‘Bomber’ Harris

2. Main feature: Sir Edward ‘Bomber’ Harris defends WWII Bomber Command in rare BBC film with remarkable recall of the details more than 30 years later. (44m, 1977).

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