2-3 July 2016 – RSGB VHF NFD – LRS Contest Group GM3HAM/P


The Lothians Radio Society Contest Group GM3HAM/P  operated in RSGB VHF NFD on 2-3 July 2016 from our usual location in the hills near Gatehouse of Fleet in Dumfries & Galloway at LOCator IO74wv. The bands operated were 50MHz (Saturday only); 70MHz (Sunday only); 144MHz; 1296MHz. Your scribe was unable to participate this year and awaits the report and photographs with interest. Terry GM3WUX was also unable to to be present and his CW operating skills were missed.
First results, unchecked: 
6m: 62 QSOs, claimed total score 26536,
      – best Dx LY1R in KP14rv at 1874km 
4m: 65 QSOs, Claimed total score 19818,
      – best Dx G0FBB/P in JO01ld at 538 km
2m: 129 QSOs, claimed score 41806
      – best Dx F6KCP/Pin IN18ou at 839km 
23cm: 22 QSOs, Claimed score 7994,
      – best Dx F6DKW in JN18cs at 808km
The very good news is that we won both the overall prize (Martlesham Trophy) and the Scottish prize (Cockenzie Quaich) in the Restricted Section of this event (see above).
Click for Full Report with photos and text by GM4DTH.
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