8 June 2014 – Judith Abseils from Forth Bridge in Memory of OM Brian Wilson MM0WZB-SK


Judith Wilson and her daughter Jackie abseiled from the Forth Bridge on Sunday 8th June 2014 to raise funds for MyelomaUK in memory of her husband, LRS member Dr Brian Wilson MM0WZB, who died of myeloma in February 2013 after battling the disease for several years. So far they have raised over £2,000 including a number of donations from LRS members.


Dr. Brian Wilson MM0WZB was a member of the Lothians Radio Society.


Brian was one of the operators of LRS special event station GS4WAB

for the Olympic Torch Event in June 2012. 


Judith has kindly provided the photographs below and encourages additional donations to MyelomaUK in Brian’s memory at: 



Additional photos of Judith, Jackie and other intrepid abseilers can be seen at:



Here is what Judith wrote after completing the abseil: 

We did it!  Jackie and I abseiled on Sunday afternoon. We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny afternoon with only a little bit of a breeze. The event was very well organised and less daunting in practice than in my imagination. The worst point was climbing over the railings. As well as being an act that went against the natural instincts the area was very restricted and there was nothing to hold onto other than one’s abseil rope or a bridge girder. Being short and not very athletic didn’t make life easier!  The views were less spectacular than I expected, so not having a camera did not matter but we did get a good look at the bridge structure. Also on the way down the wind determined the direction you faced so my view was of the coast just along from South Queensferry looking down the Forth so no view of the road bridge. The biggest surprise was the heat generated in the rope – I feared burnt palms at the end as the gloves provided were the same as I use for gardening ! All in all I was not sorry to be back to earth. I’m very pleased to have managed it but definitely a once in a lifetime event for me. I would like to thank you all so much for your sponsorship. I have been very touched by the generosity and kind thoughts of so many people. Without your support I could not have done this and between us Jackie and I have raised over £2,000 for MyelomaUK which is absolutely amazing. 
Thank you so much

 The abseils were made from the southern end of the Forth Bridge at South Queensferry.

The following photos speak for themselves of this very brave effort by Judith and Jackie.











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