1975-76 LRS Summary


President                               John McVicar GM8GEC

Hon. Sec / Treas                    Brian J. Flynn GM8BJF

Committee:                            G. Brown (Subscriptions)

                                                R. Brown (Raffles)

                                                Peter Bates GM4BYF (Publicity)

Hon Auditor                            George P. Millar, GM3UM


RSGB Region 13 Rep          Vic Stewart GM3OWU        

Hon. Publicity Officer             

MEMBERSHIP:  Annual Subscription:  Senior: £1.00; Junior: 50p

MEETINGS: Held at 7:30 pm at Riddles Court (Free)

Sep 11 1975

Feb? 1976     Radio & Electronics in Training of the Deaf, Tom Spiers GM3OWI

Jun 10 1976   Annual General Meeting


Proposed VHF Net on 145.800 MHz multimode

Proposed entry to VHF NFD


Heriot-Watt University Radio Club closed recently (per A.J. Simpson, student)


Summary 1975-76, Ver.3, by Alan J. Masson GM3PSP 14-12-2009

Sources: 1975-76 Correspondence file; LRS Minute book 1962-85

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