26 May 2010 – Direction Finding Competition – arranged by Peter Dick GM4DTH

The annual LRS DF Hunt was organized by Peter GM4DTH who acted as “fox” station. Six teams took part, starting from the Braid Hills Hotel. Several were using DF receivers built from a Practical Wireless design as a club project some years ago. The fox station was hidden in bushes at NGR 258685 near Mortonhall House at Fairmilehead. A schedule of AM transmissions of audio tones was made on 1.875 MHz with 5 minutes “on” and five minutes “off”. The results were:

Contestant              Time Found

Start time:                   19:30

1. Mike GM8KCS           20:06

2. Pete GM4BYF            20:11

3. Melvyn GM4HYR        20:12

4. Brian GM4DIJ            20:15

5. Colin GM4HWO          20:51

6. Brian GM8BJF            20:52

Congratulations to Mike GM8KCS for being the first contestant to find the hidden station. After the hunt, the fox and contestants adjourned to the Stable Bar to discuss the event.


Mike Jr. MM3MDB, Mike GM8KCS, Brian GM4DIJ and Pete GM4BYF at the start.


DF Receiver of Brian GM8BJF, typical of several used, built as a club project

from a Practical Wireless design.


Brian GM4DIJ


LRS President Colin GM4HWO


Melvyn GM4HYR at the start. Sadly, his receiver was damaged during the Hunt

but with the loan of a spare receiver from Pete GM4BYF he finished third.


Brian GM8BJF – “It must be over there, somewhere”.


Looks like Brian GM4DIJ (RHS) has already found the “fox” station,

while Brian GM8BJF continues searching!


“Fox” station Peter GM4DTH cunningly hidden in the bushes.


Reviewing the DF Hunt in the Stable Bar near Mortonhall House afterwards.

L-R: Mike Brunsdon GM8KCS, Melvyn Bond GM4HYR, “Fox” Peter Dick GM4DTH, Mike Brunsdon Jr. MM3MDB, Walter Brunsdon GM8LVJ, Brian Flynn GM8BJF and Pete Bates GM4BYF.

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