11 May 2011 – Lothians RAYNET by Charlie Duncan GM6MUZ

At the Lothians Radio Society meeting on 11th May 2011 Charlie Duncan GM6MUZ talked about the activities of the Lothians RAYNET Group, of which he is the Controller. Also present was LRS member Vic Stewart GM3OWU who had occupied this RAYNET position for many years.

Charlie indicated that RAYNET (Radio Amateurs Emergency Network) is the UK’s national voluntary communications service. This service is provided for the community by licensed radio amateurs. Lothians RAYNET is the local chapter of RAYNET based in and around the Lothians and Borders area.

Lothians RAYNET provides radio communications for local community events and related activities, including the Scottish Endurance Riding Club (SERC) and other strenuous outdoor actvities where participant safety must be ensured. In the weekend following Charlie’s talk the RAYNET group would be supporting the Poppyscotland Hearts & Heroes Challenge in the Scottish Borders. This is a long-distance (up to 29 miles) walking and running event.These events are used as training for RAYNET volunteers in readiness for supporting the community in times of civil emergencies, such as the ice & snow emergency just before Christmas 2010 when the Lothians 4X4 Group provided invaluable support to medical and other “blue light” services to deliver medical supplies and transport patients etc. 

RAYNET communications employ 144 MHz and 432 MHz FM equipment, sometimes with up to 3-repeater cross-band capability to provide coverage over a wider area. The group has a permanent cross-band repeater installation at the Edinburgh City Chambers with an aerial on the roof of the building. A strict voice procedure is used for RAYNET communications, based upon military practice, to transfer information rapidly and efficiently without redundancy. Charlie concluded his very interesting presentation by playing a number of audio recordings of RAYNET message exchanges.


More information about Lothians RAYNET is available at their website:  http://www.lothians-raynet.org.uk/


Malcolm MM0YMG transmitting SERC horse-rider numbers and arrival times at a check-point to Event Control. 


RAYNET Event Control station for a SERC endurance riding event in East Lothian.


The RAYNET cross-band (2m / 70cm) repeater equipment installed at Edinburgh City Chambers in the High Street.


The RAYNET 2-band (2m / 70cm) aerial installed on the top of the Edinburgh City Chambers building in the High Street.


Route map for the Poppyscotland Hearts & Heroes Challenge 2011 in the Scottish Borders. RAYNET units were located along the 29-mile route from the Start at St Mary’s Loch (at bottom left on map), Check Points and Water Stops and at the Finish at Melrose (top right). 


RAYNET operators (on left) at Event Control in Melrose for the Poppyscotland Hearts & Heroes Challenge 2011.

L-R: Hugh MM0HSA (wearing orange tabard), Vic GM3OWU and John MM3YVH (yellow tabard).

(Photo by Gavin GM4GVJ).


RAYNET operators relaxing after a SERC event in East Lothian.

L-R: Charlie GM6MUZ, Rob MM0ASB, Vic GM3OWU, Alason RAY02078 & Alan GM3PSP. 








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