23 May 2012 DF Hunt Report

The cunningly-hidden den of the Fox station. (So cunningly-hidden that none of the entrants found it!)

Photo and report by “Fox” Peter GM4DTH.

The 2012 Direction Finding Competition (DF Hunt) was held on Wednesday 23rd May starting from the Braid Hills Hotel. The Fox station operated by Peter GM4DTH was cunningly located in Colinton Dell in bushes by the side of West Mill Road. The aerial was set up so the main lobe went across the river – making it difficult to decide which side of the river was the location. Two hunting groups were in operation – Mike GM8KCS and family, and Brian GM4DIJ. Although the signals were very weak at the start, both groups got to within the vicinity of the fox station. GM8KCS spent a good 10 minutes within 30 yards of the fox before going away again and in all drove within 5 yards of it four times. Both hunters were also seen on the opposite bank of the river but neither of them successfully located the fox – so the fox won this one.

Picture of den attached
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