23 May 2012 D/F Hunt Information


Information for 2012 D/F Hunt

The 2012 LRS D/F Hunt will take place on Wednesday 23rd May. Start time is 7.30pm sharp. Members wishing to take part are advised to be on Braid Road outside the Braid Hills Hotel no later than 7.20pm, although this location is not essential: some entrants may choose to start from elsewhere. There is always room for those not equipped with D/F receivers to join up with members who are so-equipped. The “Fox” will be located somewhere within the City boundary and participants should be equipped with a map and the necessary equipment to draw out bearings. The Fox will transmit using the callsign GM3HAM/P for 5 minutes-on / 5 minutes-off periods starting promptly at 7.30 pm. The frequency will be 1.875 MHz with an amplitude-modulated tone being broadcast plus voice identification at the start and end of each period of transmitting. Operation will cease at about 9.30pm and an informal gathering will occur at a pub close to the Fox’s location.

Participants are advised to be equipped with a mobile phone and to obtain the mobile number of the Fox station from the coordinator Mike Brunsdon GM8KCS at the Start. In the event of them not locating the Fox, they can contact the Fox by text to request clues regarding the location of the Fox station. Each clue provided will incur a penalty of 20 minutes. If all else fails. they can phone the Fox at 9.30pm for the location of the pub.

Test signals similar to those of the Fox on 1.875 MHz will be available in advance – contact Pete Bates GM4BYF (0131 445 1102) to arrange.

Happy (D/F) hunting!

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