Operators Brian GM8BJF & guest Alan GM0USI from Glasgow.
A “compact” team of Brian Flynn GM8BJF (operator of GM3HAM/P) and Alan Masson GM3PSP (chief cook / genny operator / photographer) were joined by Alan Dimmick GM0USI (operator) from Glasgow at our usual site on a hill near Gatehouse of Fleet for the Microwave Trophy on Saturday 2nd May 2015. Seven QSOs were made on 10GHz on the Saturday afternoon with the best DX being Cheltenham at 366km. It then rained all night, continuing into the morning, and the event was abandoned even before the traditional breakfast of bacon rolls could be consumed (so it must have been bad)! BJF and PSP then adjourned to a cafe in Gatehouse for eggs benedict before driving back to Edinburgh.
GM3HAM/P: G4CBW IO83ub Stoke on Trent 236km 59
GM4ISM IO85ar Larkhall 93km 55 (Rainscatter, very obstructed path).
GM0USI/P: GD0EMG IO74qd Ballasalla, IoM 90km 54, 55
GM4ISM IO85ar Larkhall 93km 54, 52
G4WLC/P IO81xu Cheltenham 366km 52, 519
G3VKV IO81xv Cheltenham 361km 52, 52
G4CBW IO83ub Stoke on Trent 237km 58, 56
We were greeted by farmer Robert Graham who had kindly set up an electric fence to keep out the coos …
… of which there were many, but they soon learned the advisability of not sniffing the QRO fence wire. Ouch!
Brian getting set up. He was equipped for most microwave bands plus 2m and 23cm
but operation was only on 10GHz (3cm) where he worked two stations. with the
best DX being G4CBW, Stoke on Trent at 236km.
Now which direction is south?
Brian’s 10GHz set-up.
The need to operate with the equipment beside the dish proved to be a problem when the rain started.
Alan’s 10GHz set-up. The transverter located at the feed-point was originally built by Ed GM3SBC.
Alan worked five stations on this band with the best DX being G4WLC/P Cheltenham at 366km .
Alan’s 24GHz set-up. The rainy conditions caused signal absorption on this band
and no stations were worked by either Alan or Brian. On the other hand the rain
enhanced propagation on 10GHz. On the other other hand activity was low!
Brian couldn’t resist a test-drive of Alan’s 24GHz rig on its nicely-geared (and guyed) tripod.
View from the generator with one or two rain drops on the camera lens!
The complete set-up with both stations.
Brian slept in his tent overnight while Alan PSP managed to stretch out in the back of his Subaru.
It rained all night and got heavier on the Sunday morning with puddles forming everywhere
so it wasn’t a difficult decision to abandon ship! Better luck next year!