20 Oct 2012 – JOTA – Jamboree On The Air – John Cooke GM8OTI & Alan Masson GM3PSP

John GM8OTI operating GB0BSS while a group of Cubs from the 4th Braid Group look on.

The Lothians Radio Society operated GB0BSS (for Bonaly Scout Station) in JOTA-2012 at Bonaly Scout Camp near Colinton on Saturday 20th October. The operators were John GM8OTI and Alan GM3PSP. 25 QSOs including 15 with other JOTA stations were made on 40m, 20m and 2m. These included contacts (“QSOs”) with 9 overseas countries – Germany, Norway, Poland, Netherlands, Portugal, Ukraine, Denmark, France and Belgium, as well as Scotland, England and Wales. The Scouts and Cubs were given the opportunity to speak into the microphone. Many interesting questions about Amateur Radio were asked by the Cubs and Scouts. The QSOs were confirmed by QSL cards which were designed by the Scouts (see bottom of report). John has set up a QRZ.com entry for GB0BSS.



GB0BSS was operated from the large open-ended barn on the right (and not from one of the two tipis!

The aerials were inverted-V dipoles for 40m & 20m and a 3-ele vertical yagi for 2m.


The operators in the open-ended barn needed to be well wrapped-up!


John GM8OTI at the rig which was a Kenwood TS-2000X running 100W.


 QSL card designed by the Scouts themselves. (This example shows the 2013 dates)

One of these QSL cards was sent to each station contacted during JOTA to confirm the contact. 

In due course, QSL cards were received back from the other stations (see below).


QSL card received from 1st Beetley Scouts in Dereham, Norfolk.

(The contact information is written on the back).


QSL card received from the 6th Tredegar Scouts in Wales.

In this case, the contact information is written on the front.

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