8 Nov 2024 – Equipment for Sale by Norman MM0BMG

MM0BMG Equipment Sale – Updated: 8 November 2024

Item Description Price
Alinco HF Mobile Whip Antenna 2.7 m mobile whip; antenna mounting bracket and spring; adjustable vehicle mounting bracket; heavy duty; boxed. NEW 150
Anritsu MT8820A Radio Communication Analyser 30 MHz to 2.7 GHz, spectrum analyser, 2G/3G mobile phone tester, output power, modulation, RF signal generation, 500
Badger Boards HF Antenna folded dipole antenna with balun N(f) connector, heavy duty centre spacer, termination resistor; 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz; requires 2 x 50 ft antenna wire and insulators. NEW 40
Diamond MX-3000 Triplexer 144/432/1296 MHz. Conectors: common N(f), LPF PL259, BPF PL259, HPF N(m); 400/200/100 W. NEW 50
Eimac 4CX250R NOS Eimac 4CX250R. High performance ruggedized tetrode (not to be confused with more common 4CX250B). 300 W output. NEW 150
Generac (Briggs and Stratton) Promax 4500A Generator 230 V/14.6 A, 115 V/29.2 A; 11 litre long run tank, > 10 hour running @ 50% load; analogue electronic automatic voltage regulation (AVR); accumulated running hours, 156; rated electrical output 3.4 kW, peak output 4.2 kW; additional in-line (replaceable) fuel filter modification; user and servicing manuals. 400
Flexible Waveguide WG16; silver plated, length 305 mm; choke flanges; c/w one set of flange bolts/nuts. 15
Icom OPC-589 microphone adapter cable, RJ45 to 8-pin round 15
Icom OPC-599 adapter cable 13-pin to 7-pin + 8-pin NEW 20
Kemwood KMC-17 speaker microphone 25
Kenwood MC-80 microphone (boxed) 50
Linear Amp Heatherlite hands-free microphone and PTT control box with up/down frequency buttons; 8 pin modular plug for Kenwood radios. 25
LMW Electronics Ltd Linear Amplifier 1.3 GHz, 20 W output, 4 W drive, 12 – 14 VDC. 75
MFJ-1278B radio multimode data controller, built in mailbox; quick start manual and full manual. 50
Microwave Modules Linear Amplifier 144 MHz to 146 MHz, 200 W output, 12 – 14 VDC, BNC(f) i/p, N(f) o/p. 300
Mirage D-1010-N Linear Amplifier 430 MHz to 450 MHz, 100 W output, 10 W drive, 12 – 14 VDC, N(f) i/o. 200
Moonraker CS201 SPDT RF switch SO239 connectors NEW 15
Wurth Elektronik Ferrite Type 7427155 clip-on ferrite. NEW 3
X-Band TWT Linear Amplifier Commercial 20 W 10 GHz TWT amplifier; complete with all power supplies and protection circuitry; 230 V 50 Hz primary input power supply. 200
Yaesu SP-767 external speaker; two inputs, A/B selectable; two selectable low pass filters, three selectable high pass filters. 50
RG58 coaxial cable, 5 mm NEW 0.5
RG213 coaxial cable, 10 mm NEW 1
UF10 coaxial cable, M&P ultra flex, 10 mm NEW 3
HF10 coaxial cable, M&P hyper flex, 10 mm NEW 3
LDF4-50 coaxial cable, Andrew, 15 mm, recovered 2
M17/113 (RG316) coaxial cable, M17 military grade, 3 mm NEW 1
RF Coaxial Connectors N(m/f), PL259, SO239, BNC(m/f), 5/10 mm NEW 3
Various HF/VHF/UHF mobile antennas from £10, including magnetic mount from £20.

Other items of new and used equipment available.

Contact:- Norman MM0BMG jacobite@btinternet.com.

07740 946 192 (m), 0131 467 2828 (h)





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