GMRT-2024, an event of the UK Microwave Group, was largely organised by LRS members, especially the lecture program (Pete Bates GM4BYF) and was held as usual at the Museum of Communication and the evening dinner at the Kingswood Hotel in Burntisland. This is a short report for the LRS website. The full report, with captioned photos, is now on the GMRT website. (Click).
GMRT-2024 was hosted by Prof Tom Stevenson of the MoC,
whose XYL Winnie and group provided an excellent lunch for the 48 attendees.
The chairman of the morning session was Martin Hall, GM8IEM (Lochinver).
The first talk “Printed Circuits Boards for small projects” was given by Mark Hughes GM4ISM (Larkhall).
LRS member Brian Flynn GM8BJF (Peebles) gave the second talk, “Frequency Standards for Microwaves”.
LRS President Andy Sinclair MM0FMF (Livingston) was chairman of the afternoon session.
Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL (Dunfermline) of the LRS and the Kingdom ARS, opened the afternoon session with “Getting Started on 23cm”.
David Anderson GM6BIG (Lanark) talked about “Working towards EME and DSN reception”.
Andrew Holland G4VFL, from Egremont in Cumbria, described “A man-portable QO-100 2400MHz system.
Finally Heather Nickalls M0HMO (Much Wenlock, Shropshire) led a short discussion on “The UK 6m Meteor Beacon project – looking for a Scottish Site”. Summary: a brief overview of the meteor beacon project, what it’s aims are and why they are looking for a site for a receiver in Scotland
The group then adjourned to the Kingswood Hotel for an excellent dinner, followed by a short auction sale of microwave items.
For Full Report, list of attendees etc go to the GMRT website: