16 Oct 2024 – LRS Autumn Surplus Sale

The LRS Autumn Surplus Sale at St Fillan’s Church on 16th October was an epic event with 30 participants including guests from Cockenzie, Livingston & Glasgow, and lasted almost 2½ hours. 


This sale attracted a large number of items including some really heavy ones.








Pete GM4BYF had a lot of small Silent Key items to sell.


Ken GM4AOR had a lot of large, heavy items to sell.


Melvyn GM4HYR said this item was simply idyllic!


James GM4WZP


Brian GM8BJF 


Among Brian’s items was a large bag of  historic mobile phones.




Grahame GM4UPB


Norrie GM1CNH


A quick ‘hello’ from Colin GM4HWO


Ed Bain GM4AIS


Among Ken’s items were a number of interesting tools.


Raffle time, and the 1st prize winner was Brian GM4DIJ – cheers!.


Brian then drew the ticket for the next prize winner.


After the raffle we just had time for a few more items, including this Meerkat from Ken – 


The sale finished just before 10:30pm.

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