10 Oct 2024 – Aurora photo from Blackford Hill by Peter GM4DTH and Auroral recordings of Chris GM3WOJ (SSB) & Terry GM3WUX (CW) by Brian GM4DIJ/P

Peter GM4DTH reports: Before I was going to turn in for the night I looked out of the window to the south and saw a red glow in the sky. I went across the road and S2577 was the source. I walked to Blackford Hill and took some more photographs. It was a race against time as the clouds were getting thicker all the time. The K index was 8.

Brian GM4DIJ/P near Stranraer made these audio recordings of our good friends Chris GM3WOJ in Invergordon and Terry GM3WUX in Glasgow:

Chris GM3WOJ (SSB):

Terry GM3WUX (CW):



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