25 Sept 2024 – Visit to the Museum of Communication 2024 Exhibition “Its about TIME”.

Poster for the 2024 exhibition “It’s about TIME”.


After having coffee provided by his wife, Winnie, we were welcomed to the MoC by our good friend, Chairman, Prof Tom Stevenson, who also took a number of the photos in this article..



The exhibition is described on the MoC website, Museum Of Communication:

Welcome to our new Exhibition, “It’s About Time”. 

With today’s modern high speed communications, we can view events happening on the other side of the world as they unfold. But it was not always like this. Try to imagine a world where it took three days to get a message from Edinburgh to London, or battles were fought in wars that had already ended, such as at New Orleans in Jan 1815.

Time has always been a key part of communications systems. The need to reduce the time taken to get a message from one place to another, and reduce the time taken to get a reply, have been instrumental in driving new inventions and developments in the field of communications.

Come along and see early visual systems before electricity. See the telegraph equipment that superseded them and led to the development of telephones, followed by radio and television systems and wartime developments such as Radar and Sonar. All of these systems involve accurate measurement of time. Satellite, internet and GPS followed, giving us today’s interconnected world, where to talk to the other side of the world takes hardly any time at all.


Stairway exhibit of tower with timing lights.


Peter GM4DTH, Colin GM4HWO (rear) @ Malcolm GM3TAL.

Ian GM1MSS viewing the exhibit describing the development of telegraphy. 


World time and navigation.



Time and navigation.


Malcolm GM3TAL & Pete GM4BYF


Peter GM4DTH, Pete GM4BYF, and MoC guides, Bob GM4CMI & David GM4ZNX (both LRS members), after a most interesting exhibition.

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