The Amateur Radio Service is one of many services which use the radio frequency spectrum. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the civilian radio frequency spectrum is managed by Ofcom (Office of Communications), which is a government agency. Amateur radio licences are issued by Ofcom. Amateur radio is a skilled technical hobby and the required skills are tested by examination before a licence is granted. The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) is the examining body appointed by Ofcom.
The present licence structure is based on progressive development and it consists of three levels. The entry level is Foundation the next level is Intermediate with Full being the highest. The privileges granted increase in line with the licence levels. Each level has a examination testing the knowledge required for that level. Sequentially proceeding through the levels is the normal route taken by prospective radio amateurs. However, there is an alternative to progression with a single examination which will qualify for the Full Licence. This is targeted at candidates who have a strong technical background and a sound knowledge of amateur radio.
There is no formal requirement for candidates to have attended or studied a course prior to sitting an exam. Many prospective radio amateurs prefer to undertake some form of a course as their preferred option. Some radio clubs offer courses and there also online courses available.
The RSGB has information for those interested in becoming a radio amateur:
The RSGB also publishes manuals for studying at each level:
The syllabus for the examinations are published by the RSGB and can be found at:
The Lothians Radio Society does not offer formal class based courses. We meet in hired rooms and the associated costs would have to be passed onto the candidates. However, we are willing to offer advice and assistance at all levels to anyone who is studying. We have a broad range of expertise available covering all the licence levels. Indeed our collective knowledge extends well beyond the levels required for the amateur radio examinations.
If you wish to contact us regarding the licensing process please email