12 June 2024 – LRS Annual General Meeting

12 June 2024 – LRS AGM 2024

There was a good turn-out (17) for the AGM. It had been a good year for meetings, contests & finances. Subs stay at £20.  

New committee elected:

President    Andy Sinclair MM0FMF

Hon. Sec.    Colin Wright GM4HWO

Hon. Treas.      Peter Dick GM4DTH

Webmaster  Alan Masson GM3PSP

Prog. Mgr. James Gentles GM4WZP

Charity Coord. Pete Bates GM4BYF

Committee   Colin Murray GM4EAU

Committee      John Taylor GM4JRT

Trophies: Colin GM4HWO & Brian GM8BJF were awarded the LRS Osprey trophy for  work on the GB3EDN 1296MHz beacon.

Alan GM3PSP was awarded a bottle for his work as LRS webmaster.

 Click for Full Report.


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