I did two contests /P this week from the usual spot in IO74 near Stranraer.
(Library photo).
Conditions were poor, but I had low noise at the start. I pulled the N-type socket off the gamma match when fitting the feeder. I had to bodge a fix with much footering in the dark, but got on for the start.
23cm UKAC. Tuesday 17th Oct
Tx/Rx IC9700+ SG Labs Amp 20 W
Antenna 30 ele H/B yagi at 5m agl, 89m asl
22 QSOs 12484 Points
Best DX G3XDY;JO02OB at 513 km
Flat condx, with heavy QSB . It was a bit windy. Probably contributing
to the fading.
4m UKAC. Thursday 19th Oct
Tx/Rx IC7300+ TE Systems Linear 100 W
Antenna 3 ele yagi at 5m agl, 89m asl
21 QSOs 10496 Points
Best DX G7LRQ/P IO91TU at 452 km
Activity was low. There was only one other GM on and no GI. I used JT6M
to work G8CUL.