2-8 Oct 2023 – Terry Robinson GM3WUX – “73-Cubed” Fund-Raiser for Cancer Research.

2-8 Oct 2023 – Terry Robinson GM3WUX “73-Cubed” Fund-Raiser for Cancer Research. 

(Photo from fund-raising page).

Our good friend Terry Robinson GM3WUX (Glasgow), who has operated with GM3HAM/P on 50MHz / 70MHz a number of times at VHF NFD, did a fund-raiser in memory of his friend Jeremy Browne G3XZG who died of cancer last year.
Terry, who is completely blind, attempted to walk unaided 73 laps of a loop in Glasgow’s Queens Park in the week of his 73rd birthday, 2-8 October 2023, covering about 100 miles. He aims to raise “73-cubed” – £389,017 – for cancer research.


 See also  p.12 in the Sept 2023 RadCom.
Well, as it happened, he completed the walk on Friday afternoon, just before the very heavy weekend rain hit. He writes:

“I had what I thought was a simple plan to complete my 73 Cubed Walk. I was going to push for 16 of the 73 laps in the first 4 days, that would have left an easy, half day of 9 laps on the Friday.

So far so good for Monday, I had a friend join me for most of that and, though he wasn’t allowed to assist in any way, this was a good boost to morale.

Tuesday, also went well, though the rain closed in towards the end of the day, that was a bit uncomfortable, but I at least met the goal.

Wednesday and Thursday were a different matter entirely, with persistent rain persuading me to give up after laps 10 and 11 respectively. That left me with 20 laps to go, potentially spread over Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

On Friday, I felt pretty fit and was pleased to be joined, for a few laps, by another friend who again, wasn’t allowed to assist but provided essential moral support. After lap 13, I adjourned to the park’s Cafe for lunch which energised me to a point where I felt I could push for the finish. Having seen the forecast, I really didn’t want to face yet another day in the rain. As it happened, the weather held and I completed the task and got home just before the rain hit. As you  know, that rain lasted most of the weekend, so that extra effort was a good decision in the end.

Many thanks to those who’ve sponsored me to date. The link is above for anyone who still wishes to support this worthy cause.

I now have to dream up my next lunatic adventure – I think the 73 Cubed idea occurred to me in a dream (HI)”




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