17 Sept 2023 – Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL in Kiltwalk Fundraiser for Prostate Scotland

In prep – psp


Malcolm’s Report


The 2023 Kiltwalk was fun. The weather was excellent – overcast, cool, dry and no wind. I arrived at the start in Gypsy Brae recreation park quite early, having made it by bus from Fife. The 200 airport bus was an easy way to reach north Edinburgh from the Queensferry Road, but I still had to yomp for 20 minutes to reach the start from Pennywell.

Bernie GM4WZG had kindly loaned me a Chinese vhf hand held tcvr, set up for the KARS club net frequency of 144.750. Since I had half an hour before the start, I called CQ from the beach as GM3TAL/ “Pedestrian portable”. Briain, GM8PKL responded straight away and I wandered about a bit to find a spot for best signal strength. (Monsieur Fresnel would be proud of me finding one of his zones). Then Ricky, GM0VUY called from across the water – line of sight, so no problems. Two QSOs and the walk had not yet started! I continued in QSO with Ricky as I walked the first quarter mile along the beach path. The route turned south along the old railway line, screened in most directions and I decided to turn off the rig and concentrate on the walk.

I had some nice conversations with other walkers along the way. The path is shared with cyclists, but most of us managed not to collide with each other! I had a walking companion for most of the route and we decided not to stop at the half way station, just grabbing some water. I learned only after the walk, that Bernie and Anna, had decided to come to this half way point to cheer me on. But we somehow missed each other.

Although only five miles or so, my feet and ankles were starting to tell me that they hadn’t been as far for a long while, so when Murrayfield stadium came into view, it was a welcome sight.


There was much applause and medallions were given out on arrival. That was it. Success. Time for a rest and to check 144.750 again! I thought I’d be rather screened by the stadium and had a tramline in front of me – however Briain appeared on cue and, surprise, surprise, Bernie GM4WZG, at S9. Surely not, I had a massive stadium between me and his QTH is in Fife. He then revealed that he was also in Edinburgh and not far away on Ferry Road.

So, three people have now qualified for the WAMIAK* award. I gather that Ian and John were also on the band, but sadly not audible. If I do this walk again next year then a repeater might be a good idea!

So, thanks to everyone who supported the cause of Prostate Scotland. You know who you are and I am sure that the charity will benefit largely from your generosity. As I write this, the donations will have hit a total of just under £1000. If you haven’t donated yet and would still like to do so, there is still time. Please go to the Just Giving page https://www.justgiving.com/page/malcolm-hamilton-1693818208625

Altogether, it’s a wonderful response considering I only heard about Kiltwalk less than a fortnight ago and don’t do Facebook!!

Thanks again, and let me know if you want to be in the 2024 Kiltwalk team – you can support your own charity, or just enjoy the walk.

Malcolm GM3TAL

*WAMIAK – worked a man in a kilt award   

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