There was a good turnout of members and visitors for the LRS Autumn Surplus Equipment Sale at St Fillan’s Church, with lots of “stuff” to tempt them.
Colin GM4HWO welcomed everyone and Pete GM4BYF explained the auction procedures.
L-R: James GM4WZP, Brian GM8BJF, Pete GM4BYF, Colin GM4HWO, Peter GM4DTH, Andy MM0FMF.
Norrie GM1CNH Pete GM4BYF
Andy MM0FMF Brian GM8BJF
What is Andy doing with that thing?!
Time for the fabulous raffle.
Bond, Melvyn Bond GM4HYR drawing the first ticket.
Winner was John Taylor 2M0JTU.
(Sorry – mis-identified at first)!
Ken GM4AOR drawing the next one.
Melvyn GM4HYR Tommy GM1GEQ
David GM3YMX Colin GM4EAU
Many thanks to all the auction participants, particularly for the donations they provided to club funds.