22 Oct 2022 – Scottish Microwave Round Table GMRT-2022

The Scottish Microwave Round Table on 22nd October 2022 was held as usual at the Museum of Communication in Burntisland, Fife, with an excellent attendance of 37. Equipment measurement facilities were provided during the breaks and there was a Construction Competition. The event was followed by a dinner at the nearby Kingswood Hotel. Members of the Lothians Radio Society were among the organizers of this event.

For full report, click on:

GMRT Report


GMRT 2022 Programme

09.30 10.30 – Opening Coffee, tea and biscuits available

10.30 12.30 – Morning Session: Chair Martin Hall GM8IEM

10.30 10.35 – Welcome from Martin Hall GM8IEM (UK Microwave Group Scottish                                          Representative)

10.35 11.15 – Roger Blackwell GM4PMK “EME from the Hebrides – An update 10                                          years on”

11.15 11.30 – Break

11.30 12.10 – Brian Howie GM4DIJ “OpenEMS for Microwaves”

12.10 12.30 – Break In the museum: The GM4LBV Projects Trophy.                                                                   Esteemed judges Ian White GM3SEK and David Stockton GM4ZNX.

12.30 13.45 – LUNCH

13.45 16.15 – Afternoon session: Chair John Cooke GM8OTI

13.45 14.30 – Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL “Microwaves – theory and practice, or                                               five different ways to cook eggs”.

14.30 15.00 – Break

15.00 15.40 – Peter Bates GM4BYF “122GHz Operations and Experiences”

15.40 15.50 – Construction Competition conclusion and award – Ian White GM3SEK and                            David Stockton GM4ZNX.

15.50 16.15 – Break – Tea and Coffee. Social Time. Winding up of measurement                                              facilities.

17.00 EXIT End of let.

19.00 – Dinner in Kingswood Hotel, followed by music from Nadine and Ian White GM3SEK, and John Cooke GM8OTI.


PHOTOS kindly provided by John Cooke GM8OTI:


Brian Flynn GM8BJF checking-in with Peter Dick GM4DTH. 


 Welcome from Martin Hall GM8IEM (UK Microwave Group Scottish Representative).


Roger Blackwell GM4PMK – “EME from the Hebrides – An update 10 years on” 


 Brian Howie GM4DIJ – “OpenEMS for Microwaves”


 Brian Flynn GM8BJF (Papers Chair) and Colin Wright GM4HWO.


 “Norrie (GM1CNH) – that’s a very difficult question” said David Stockton GM4ZNX.


Many thanks to Winnie Stevenson and Andrew Starling for their hard work in providing a great lunch for the attendees!


 Malcolm Hamilton GM3TAL –  “Microwaves – theory and practice, or five different ways to cook eggs”


 Pete Bates GM4BYF “122GHz Operations and Experiences”


122GHz demo by Pete GM4BYF.


Construction Competition conclusion and award – judges Ian White GM3SEK & David Stockton GM4ZNX. The winner was Mark Hughes GM4ISM with a controller project for VK3CV 122GHz equipment. Designed after an idea by G8AGN, the Arduino based project includes PCBs (main and front panel).


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