17 Aug 2022 – Viral Net 101

17 Aug 2022 – LRS VIRAL NET 101

Peter GM4DTH (c), Alan GM3PSP, John GM8OTI, Briain GM8PKL, Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM8BJF, Nathan MM3MDH, George GM4COK/DU1, Mike GM8KCS/M.

Peter was just back from a building trip to Bathgate. Alan had remembered to re-connect his antennas after disconnecting them for the recent lightning storms! He recalled being thrown across the tent by a close lightning strike at NFD when a member of the Edgware club many years ago. Planning by Brian GM4DIJ for the 2m Trophy on 2-4 Sept was going well. John recalled his last time on this net was on 19th January! Just back from Gatehouse and “real” rain! Bookings for GMRT were looking good at 25 so far, plus 12 for the dinner. Briain had been listening to Marine Search & Rescue on 156MHz including the Stonehaven lifeboat – very good range. He had heard of 4 TV sets taken out by lightning in Marchmont. Pete noted abysmal condx on the 23cm AC – only 7 QSOs in 2.5h, but including G1PPA/P in Lincolnshire. He would miss the next few nets and GMRT. Brian had worked SM6CZR near Goteborg on 2m yesterday. He reported that lightning had struck the church in Peebles hat he uses to bounce his signals! He had just repaired a TS-690 for Chris GM3WOJ (electrolytic leaking over circuit board). His friend Andy (Pub Night 3) had now returned to the USA. Nathan (Dalgety Bay) had set up his Web FTR for call-ins. He had a new transverter for STR 10m-70cm running 10W. George (Philippines, via GM8BJF link) frequently had lightning! A former ship’s radio officer himself, he wished Colin GM4HWO the best for his talk on this subject at the LRS in September. He had just read that the clock on  London Road in Edinburgh had been restored after 15 years. Mike called in from his car from Chesser Ave driving home to Buckstone from Murrayfield. (E&OE – you try reading my notes in the morning)! Recording tnx GM4DTH:



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