Station GM3HAM/P was operated in RSGB VHF NFD from our usual site in the hills behind Gatehouse of Fleet in Dumfries & Galloway at locator IO74WV. Operators included Pete GM4BYF, Brian GM4DIJ, Peter GM4DTH, Mike GM4IGS, Norrie GM1CNH (& son Andrew), Danny GM6CMQ & John 2M0JTU. We were joined by several welcome members of the Wigtownshire ARC including Ian GM3SEK, who operated on 2m.
Ian reports: The other Wigtownshire ARC members who were able to attend were Michael 2M0FMJ, Jon 2M0HDL and his son Lewis. (It was also the first time we had all three met in person for more than two years)! In the nature of things, they were all a bit awestruck on their first visit to a full-on VHF contest site, but they learned a lot and I’m sure they will be back.
Wx: many showers on Saturday, fewer on Sunday. Windy & showery during take-down..
Station managers: 6m (Sat) / 4m (Sun): Brian GM4DIJ & Mike GM4IGS; 2m: Peter GM4DTH; 70cm: Pete, GM4BYF.
Submitted scores:
Band QSOs Points Best-DX Dist. km
6m: 52 19,923 LY1KAP/P 1886
4m: 52 15,716 G5LK/P 622
2m: 118 36,164 F5SGT/P 754
70cm: 44 15, 651 OR6T 749
1. Restricted Sec. – 2nd place – cert.
2. 50MHz – Band Leader – cert.
3. 70MHz – Band Leader – cert.
4. 144MHz – Runner-up – cert.
5. 432MHz – 3rd place overall.
On arrival on the Friday evening, the tents were erected. We then adjourned to the Masonic Arms in Gatehouse for an excellent dinner where the large portions were appreciated!
Colin GM4HWO was unable to attend due to Covid virus, so his usual delicious bacon rolls were greatly missed at breakfast!
Report in prep – psp.
Photos tnx Peter GM4DTH & Brian GM4DIJ.
Erecting antennas on the Saturday morning.
SWL Andrew & OM Norrie GM1CNH, John 2M0JTU
SWL Andrew turning the beam.
John 2M0JTU working on a beam.
The 4m station with 11-element yagi beam at 10m agl.
Brian GM4DIJ & Mike GM4IGS at the 6m/4m station.
The 6m/4m station with the magnificent 6m beam built by Brian DIJ many years ago.
It was lowered and converted to 4m early on the Sunday morning.
Fallow-deer seen in the field near the tents.
Late Saturday evening – 2m still active.
6m/4m Station GM3HAM/P Report – Brian GM4DIJ & Mike GM4IGS
6m Report by Brian GM4DIJ:
6m (50MHz) GM3HAM/P Entry:
Equipment: IC-7300 – 100W.
Antenna: 9-element yagi (GM4DIJ)
52 valid QSOs, 19,923 pts, best DX: LY1KAP/P 1886km.
6m QSOs map.
4m Report by Brian GM4DIJ
4m (70MHz) GM3HAM/P Entry:
Equipment: IC7300 50W.
Antenna: 11-elment (GM4DIJ)
52 QSOs, 15,716 pts, best DX: G5LK/P, 622km.
4m QSOs map.
2m (144MHz) station GM3HAM/P: report and photos by Peter Dick GM4DTH
Operators: Ian GM3SEK, Peter GM4DTH, Danny GM6CMQ, John 2M0JTU.
Equipment: Elecraft K3 transceiver + transverter + LDMOS amp., pwr 100W
Antenna: 17-element M2 yagi at 10m agl, 195m asl.
Score: 118 valid QSOs, 36, 164 pts. Best DX: F5SGT/P; IN88KD; 754km.
Propagation felt “average” as far as northern France. One instance of long-range propagation by meteor-scatter or sporadic-E with station IQ5NN in Loc. JN63GN being heard for a few seconds.
2m station operated by Ian GM3SEK and John 2M0JTU
2m QSOs map.
Danny GM6CMQ taking a rest after a spell of operating on 2m.
70cm (432MHz) GM3HAM/P Report by Pete GM4BYF
Operator: Pete Bates GM4BYF. Et al?
Equipment: IC9700 to a solid state amp 100W.
Antenna: 38 element M2 yagi 10m agl.
Score: 44 valid QSOs, 15,651 pts, Best DX: OR6T JO20KV 749km.
