8 June 2022 – LRS Annual General Meeting

The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Lothians Radio Society was held on Wednesday 8th June at 8:00pm at the Braid Hills Hotel.

Partial report (for now):

1. Apologies for absence.

2. Adoption of Minutes of AGM of 1 Sept 2021 – agreed.

3. Statement of Accounts 2021-2022 (Peter Dick GM4DTH): 

This year we are exiting from the year of stasis which was a legacy of the global pandemic. We have returned to financial near normality, but have yet to fully stabilise. Our statement of accounts is presented giving a comparison between the current session and that of the previous year. This year this comparison is of little value as we were inactive during the year when the pandemic was at its most dangerous to the population. However, I will indicate any areas that do not fall into our normal financial pattern.

Our income comes from subscriptions, junk sales, HMRC Gift Aid and donations. Subscriptions are a stable source of income and should cover our main expenditure of our room costs which it does. This match is our main indicator of good financial health. This session there is a new item of expenditure and that was the introduction of the Zoom streaming service allowing members to access our meetings avoiding proximity to others which was a real health risk. This expenditure is an additional meeting expense lying outside our normal financial range.

Our other sources of income should cover all our other costs. Our expenditure column shows them. Most have returned to the pre-pandemic levels but there are hints of the early effects of inflation.

Despite showing a deficit our underlying financial situation is good and there are no immediate indications of concern. However, it should be noted that rising inflation may become significant in the future.

Our success is based on the considerable work undertaken and time given, out with our meetings, undertaken by the committee members. I would like to thank them and our accounts examiner for the hours of work carried out on our behalf.   

4. President’s Report 2021-2022 – Colin Wright, LRS President.

I took over the President’s role from Alan Masson GM3PSP in September 2021. This year has continued to be different due to the ongoing impact of Covid-19. Meetings have been a mix of on-site at the Braid Hills Hotel and Zoom. I would like to thank Colin Murray GM4EAU and James Gentles GM4WSP for their time spent perfecting the Zoom technology which now runs very smoothly.
The weekly radio nets on 144.350MHz SSB, which started shortly after the Covid-19 shut-down in April 2020, continued through year, with audio recordings being made by Peter Dick GM4DTH. Along with the written reports by webmaster Alan Masson GM3PSP, these were put up on the club website to be enjoyed by other members. Brian Flynn GM8BJF has successfully implemented a remotely controlled station located in south Edinburgh and this has been used by himself and former LRS member George Szymanski DU1GM / GM4COK in the Philippines. To date 96 nets have taken place, and these will continue for the foreseeable future.
Several meetings were held throughout the year, covering a wide range of topics including:
– WW1 Aircraft Electrical Systems
– Astrodynamics without the maths
– 122GHz Radio
– Using VDAs
– History of the Pocket Calculator
– Offshore Pirate Radio
– Electromagnetics Simulation
– Bletchley Park
– ECVS – Black Propaganda Film Night
– Two successful surplus equipment sales
– DF Hunt
– In December we held a very enjoyable Christmas curry evening at the Ghurkha restaurant.
Portable Contests: In May 2022 the LRS took part in the 2 metre VHF trophy contest at the usual location near Gatehouse of Fleet in Galloway on a south-facing hilltop offering good communication opportunities to England and the continent. This also provided an opportunity to socialise, including a meal in the Masonic Arms on the Friday night and a successful Saturday hilltop Evening Barbeque followed by Crepes and Caribbean Coffee.
Plans are underway to enter the RSGB VHF National Field Day in July 2022 at the same location.
Congratulations to Colin Murray GM4EAU for winning the RSGB 2022 Constructors’ Contest (Software category) with his WATT (WSPR Analysis & Transfer Tool) software.
The final meeting of this year is the LRS BBQ at the home of Pete GM4BYF and Kay Bates GM6KAY at Fairmilehead. Many thanks to Pete and Kay for hosting this event on an annual basis.
Finally, I would like to thank the committee members for the considerable effort put into overcoming the impact and challenges of COVID 19:
Alan Masson GM3PSP for his excellent work on the LRS website.
James Gentles GM4WZP for managing the constant juggling of the Programme.
Andy Sinclair MMOFMF for his work as Secretary.
Treasurer Peter Dick GM4DTH for managing the finances. 
– Vic Stewart GM3OWU providing auditor support.
– Pete Bates GM4BYF for managing the LRS Charity Status.
– Last but not least Brian Flynn GM8BJF for his words of wisdom and guidance.
I have enjoyed this short spell as President and I am pleased the LRS has survived COVID 19 and gained new members. I look forward to socialising over the summer at the Wee Bennet’s Pub Nights.
5. Charitable StatusPete Bates GM4BYF reported all well.
6. Resignation of office bearers.
7. Election of Interim President.
8. Election of office bearers: entire committee re-elected:
– Hon. Secretary: Andy Sinclair MM0FMF.
– President: Colin Wright GM4HWO.
– Hon Treasurer: Peter Dick GM4DTH.
– Webmaster: Alan Masson GM3PSP.
– Program Manager: James Gentles GM4WZP.
– Charitable Status and Contests Manager: Pete Bates GM4BYF.
– Committee member: Colin Murray GM4EAU.
9. Election of Independent Person (“Verifier”: Vic Stewart GM3OWU.
10. New President takes the Chair: Colin Wright GM4HWO.
11. Set Subscription Rate: Hon. Treas. Peter Dick GM4DTH recommended that the rates remain the same – Senior £20, Student £10. Agreed. However he warned that the BHH room rental (currently £35 per meeting) was likely to rise before long but our healthy balance could allow the subs to remain unchanged for the year. And of course we do contribute to the BHH bar income)!
12. Any other competent business.
12.1  Future meetings: members were asked to provide suggestions for topics to James GM4WZP.
12.2 Trophies: Alan GM3PSP proposed that Colin Murray GM4EAU be awarded the LRS Osprey Trophy for his outstanding achievement in winning the 2022 RSGB Constructors Trophy (Software category) for his WATT software (WSPR Analysis & Transfer Tool). This will be considered by the Committee.
12.3 Committee Meeting – Wed 29th June at QTH of President Colin GM4HWO in Liberton.  
13. Meeting closed at 9:00pm.
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