20-22 May 2022 – GM3HAM/P – RSGB 2m Trophy – Gatehouse of Fleet

Submitted score (Open Section): 167 QSOs, 54,733 pts x multiplier 77 ==> Total Score: 4,214,441 pts.

Best DX: F6DKW, Locator JN18CS, Distance 808km / 502 miles (nr Paris).

Report by Peter GM4DTH:

The group travelled to site on Friday afternoon. The weather was showery some of which were extended. Personal accommodation and the mess tent were established with no further work being undertaken until the weather improved. The evening meal was in the ‘Masonic Arms’ in Gatehouse of Fleet followed by a few drams in the mess tent. Saturday morning the station was built with Colin providing a working breakfast with bacon rolls. There was a period of concern when the generator failed to start, however, after giving it a rest it started and ran reliably for the rest of the weekend.

The propagation on 2m was in line with the weather and showed little or no enhancement, with this station performing as expected from this location. For the first time we were joined by John 2M0JTU who could experience a reasonable 2m station, for the first time, with reliable contacts to the south coast. This was a marked contrast with the low performance ‘white stick’ stations from his home station. We worked one wet locator square IO65SP with GM8EXI/MM near Islay (170km 106 miles). On the mobile side we worked G4DHF/M in Lincolnshire JO03AE (332km / 206 miles). On the QRP side there was a hybrid CW/SSB contact with 5W station G4NBS near Cambridge at 405km / 252 miles. This path had QSB making it a relatively difficult contact. Best Dx was F6DKW, at 808km / 502 miles, nr Paris.


Photos – tnx Colin GM4HWO, Norrie GM1CNH, Peter GM4DTH & Andy MM0FMF:

Norrie GM1CNH, Mike GM4IGS, John 2M0JTU, Colin GM4HWO, SWL Ranald, Peter GM4DTH. All licensed people were operators in the contest.

Meeting for dinner on the Friday evening at the Masonic Arms in Gatehouse of Fleet. 


L-R: Colin GM4HWO, John 2M0JTU, SWL Ranald, Norrie GM1CNH, Peter GM4DTH, Mike GM4IGS. (Colin is pretending to hold a giant naan, sadly not on the menu)!


Saturday morning – Colin preparing the bacon rolls.


Exhausted – zzz!


The 2m station. Antenna was a17 element long yagi, ‘Andrew’ feeder,


Complete site.


The Solway Firth. The Isle of Man should be visible!


Nice clean-looking generator: Hyundai inverter generator.


Operating tent.


 Clouding over. (Overall, Wx wasn’t bad but rather windy).


Mike GM4IGS & Norrie GM1CNH


 SWL Ranald & Colin GM4HWO


The farmer’s cat!


Mike GM4IGS & Andy MM0FMF operating.


The 2m station – description by Peter GM4DYH:

17 element long yagi, ‘Andrew’ feeder, ‘Linear Amp’ LDMOS power amplifier, ‘Kuhne’ TR 144-Pro transverter, ‘Elecraft K3’ HF transceiver, Aircraft noise cancelling headsets and ‘ITT’ marine key. ‘Sony’ laptop for logging, paper sheets for backup log. Local receive monitor loudspeaker for non operators in station tent.

The station was housed in a 3m x 3m shelter/tent lit by LED strip. The equipment was installed on two stout wooden tables. Power from a Hyundai inverter generator. Balanced audio feed connected receive audio monitor loudspeaker in mess tent.


Close-up of Elecraft K3 transceiver and Kuhne TR 144-Pro transverter.


GM3HAM/P location details.


Saturday evening -the BBQ food.


Andy MM0FMF preparing the BBQ food.


 Ranald & John preparing to eat!


(Sounds of enjoyable chewing)!


Enjoying the BBQ


Colin GM4HWO with Sarah & Helen.


Sunday evening – on our way home after a great weekend.


Final group photo of the team soon!


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