23 Dec 2020 – Silent Key – John Hein GM1YME
2020-12-23 SK – John Hein GM1YME, Edinburgh. Click for (explicit) details.
2020-12-23 SK – John Hein GM1YME, Edinburgh. Click for (explicit) details.
There were only 5 participants in Net 40 on 6th January, the first in the New Year of 2021, but
The last net of 2020 on 30th December was controlled by Colin GM4HWO, with Peter GM4DTH, Alan GM3PSP, Pete GM4BYF,
In spite of the closeness to Christmas there was a good turnout of 8 for the 38th Viral Net on
Eric Lamb, at the Townsville Museum above, who died on 6th January 2021, was not a Radio Amateur but a
2021-12-24 SAQ Grimeton on 17.2 kHz from 07:30 UTC. ======================================== 2021-11-19 GB3RMK 6m Beacon Back on Air. QTH IO77rm Muir