20 Oct 2021 – Autumn Surplus Equipment Sale

This was the first Lothians Radio Society Surplus Sale since October 2019. As usual it was held in St. Fillan’s Church in Buckstone where a number of Covid-19 Safety Procedures were required by the church. After a 2-year gap there were lots of items for (auction) sale, mostly small items including Silent Key items from Jack McVicar GM8GEC-SK (a former LRS auctioneer) and André Saunders GM3VLB-SK. About 20 people attended and the sale ran for just over 2 hours, making over £150 for club funds.


On arrival we had to use hand-sanitizer and sign a Track-&-Trace register which was retained by the church. 

Andy MM0FMF & James GM4WZP.


Face-masks were required except when sitting down


Before the sale – a chance to have a good look at the goods.





And of course the raffle bottles, with Treasurer, Peter GM4DTH.


These caught the eye of Bill GM8SQM.


Pete GM4BYF welcomed all present and explained the auction procedure.


We were well-separated with 1m between chairs.


Pete sold many of the items from GM8GEC-SK including these aerial insulators.


Brian GM8BJF selling one of the many boxes of valves.


Melvyn GM4HYR with one of several security cameras.


Andy MM0FMF collected the money from the buyers and also drew the raffle tickets.


– and who should win first prize but Bill GM8SQM who had been sitting with his fingers crossed.



David GM4ZNX (Dunfermline / Kingdom ARS)   


   Mike GM8KCS


Then back to the sale for the last few items. Brian GM8BJF with a nice microwave unit.


Bill GM8SQM with some mobile antennas.


And finally Colin GM4EAU with his trusty oscilloscope, now replaced by a digital unit.

(In the raffle Colin had won a nice bottle of French water)!


Many thanks to all who came to the sale, especially the committee who set up the tables and chairs.







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