18 Aug 2021 – LRS Viral Net 72

LRS Viral Net 72 was held on Wed 18th Aug 2021, controlled by Peter GM4DTH, with Mike GM8KCS, Briain GM8PKL, Norrie GM1CNH & Brian GM4DIJ. 

Mike was trying to restore a J Beam 8 element 2m yagi. Had swept out shack. Reporting the 2m Irish beacon was louder than normal. Has been experimenting with HF 1/2 wave end fed aerials. Briain has a new wet carpet cleaner, this was used in cleaning a bathroom flood. Worked Ray GM4CXM (Bearsden) who has returned to the radio after a break. In the process of buying a used Icom IC-9100x. Waiting on a Gophoret (brand name) power supply from China. These are well-made low-noise supplies which have a better build quality than the products on the amateur market. He is also going to experiment with the 1/2 wave end fed. Norrie has not been on the net for a few weeks. Was checking numbers for the attending the 2m Trophy contest in September, at present numbers are low. HF band conditions not very exciting at present. Keeping to the aerial theme he has a 43 foot vertical to go portable for HF operation. Brian had a builder visit for planned repairs. Operated on the 4m Cumulative contest on Sunday worked ten stations with the best dx being GW. Was on the 23cm contest the previous evening, under flat conditions, working 9 stations with the best dx being GI6ATZ. Enjoyed the barbecue held on the previous Thursday. He has found another /P site near his caravan. Peter announced that the results of VHF Field Day have been released. Continuing to work at the ciné society. In the past used to use 1/2 wave end fed on top band when portable. Was contemplating listening to the 300kHz beacons when away from the QRM of the urban location. Discussed the range of the Gophoret power supplies. Report & audio recording tnx Peter.


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