11 Aug 2021 – Viral Net 71

LRS Viral Net 71 on Wed 11th Aug 2021 participants: Colin GM4HWO, (controller), Alan GM3PSP, Peter GM4DTH, Melvyn GM4HYR, Briain GM8PKL, John 2M0JTU, Brian GM4DIJ and Brian GM8BJF (Peebles).

Colin had been busy selling (car loads of) gear from GM8GEC-SK, mostly on e-Bay. He was looking forward to finishing work (forever) in a few weeks time. Alan was looking forward to the LRS BBQ the following night at “Bates Motel” and had put up a photo of the original on the website with a recommendation not to use the shower! He congratulated Melvyn on winning the D/F Hunt and asked him to bring the D/F Trophy to the BBQ so it could be presented to him again! He mentioned that the LRS Committee would be meeting (virtually) this Friday to begin planning for a hopefully-normal club year starting in September. Peter had been busy at the ECVS. He conformed there would be no charge for the LRS BBQ. Briain had been busy chopping trees to make room for an HF antenna (half-wave end-fed for 40m). He had joined the Kingdom Net (in Fife) last night, controlled by our good friend Malcolm GM3TAL. He had just bought an IC-720 on e-Bay and was refurbishing it. John 2M0JTU in Corstorphine was a new face on the net, running 25W from an FT-736R to a 5/8 vertical in his attic. He was quite readable to all but not quite as strong as others. First licensed in 2020, he then passed his Intermediate exam and was now working on his full licence. He hopes to get to an LRS meeting before long. Brian DIJ had been aerial-modelling a 22GHz antenna. On 70cm the night before he had worked a GM and G4ODA in IO92 (Lincs) but had SWR problems, possibly due to the mast-head pre-amp unit. Brian BJF called in from Peebles (when we remembered to listen for him)! He was weak but readable initially but became unreadable. E&OE. Audio recording may be delayed a little. 

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