7 July 2021 LRS Viral Net 66

A small but interesting post-VHF-NFD Net 66 on 7th July with participants Colin GM4HWO (controller), Peter GM4DTH, Alan GM3PSP, Briain GM8PKL and Mike GM8KCS.

Colin said that VHF-NFD at Gatehouse had been enjoyable in spite of the mixed Wx. The Friday evening meal at the Masonic Arms had been rather regimented but pleasant. On Saturday people had bought carry-outs or cooked their own dinners on-site. He had produced special pancakes. He had operated the 2m station which was well-engineered. Peter’s net signal was rather weak and he was unable to find the problem during the net. He was rebuilding his station after the contest! He had enjoyed a phone call from Tommy GM4DCL who had mostly been doing Short Wave Listening recently. Alan regretted not being at NFD but thanked Colin and Peter for their photos and Pete and Mike GM4IGS for their input for the report which was now up on the website. On Briain’s suggestion, he would consider using B&B to attend next year’s event. Briain was expecting delivery of some “exciting new RF gear” tomorrow! Mike had had an interesting QSO with Graham MM0GHM, a Conductor on the Royal Scotsman train (see below). There was discussion of a possible D/F Hunt but no conclusion. LATER: DF Hunt will be on Wed 28th July. E&OE. Audio rec. tnx Peter:

MM0GHM photo courtesy QRZ.com


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